Chapter 66: Vikram Topic Solved

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After all of them had eaten till the point they were technically bursting, they all bid their goodnights and started walking towards their respective bedrooms. Bob's and Ria's respective bedrooms were on one side of the wall and Jack's and Samira's respective bedrooms were on the other side.

When they all were moving towards their rooms, Ria suddenly felt an arm on her waist and within a second, she was pulled into a corner. She was about to scream but then she realized it was only Bob. She punched him on the shoulder, but not too hard, just to make him realize how much he had scared him.

Then, she whisper shouted, "Bob you idiot! You scared me half to death"

Massaging his shoulder where Ria had hit him he replied in a whisper too, "Ouch girl! You killed me half to death"

"Even in so-called pain you can't stop your humor by any chance, can you? Now what on earth is so urgent that you pull me apart from Jack and Samira"

"Well, it certainly IS urgent. As you see, I didn't pull you apart only to get a nice punch from you. And you can't ask the god of sass to stop his humor, you see", Bob smirked at the last part.

"Oh! Is this god here? Weird, I can't see him"

Bob's smirk faded a bit but he still managed to maintain his cute smile. Ria couldn't resist his smile but she wasn't going to fall for it either so she quickly added, "And if this is what you call urgent, sorry to disappoint you Bob, but I will prefer sleeping in my bed than attending this really realy urgent or in my context, useless and irritating conversation of yours". With that, Ria attempted to leave while smiling to herself but Bob caught her in his arms and gently hugged her. Ria groaned but hugged him back nevertheless.

"Now, seriously, what is it, Bob?"

"I will come and wake you up midnight. I thought of telling you so that you don't scream and let everyone in this campus know"

"And why is that?"

" will see"

"Oh god!", Ria suddenly realised something and asked, "You are not thinking about Vikram, are you?"

Bob smiled at her sheepishly and once again said, "You will see"

With that Bob left for his room with Ria whispered shouting behind him, "Come back here!?! You absolu-ARE YOU SMIRKING !?!. I swear Bob! Come-"

But it was no use as he had already closed the door of his room. Ria muttered, "What a cute idiot" while smiling at his childish behavior. Then, she too went to her bedroom fully aware of the fact that her peaceful sleep would be disturbed tonight.

Ria was sleeping peacefully when someone whispered right in her ear, "Wake up, girl"

She shot up and was about to scream when Bob covered her mouth to prevent the same. After she had calmed down, he removed his hand and she said, "Sorry, I kind of forgot"

"It's fine. Let's go"

They tip-toed out of the house without making a single noise. Finally, they came out of the building, Ria noticed a baseball bat in Bob's hand and raised an eyebrow, to which he replied, "It will come in handy to deal with that git".

"And what exactly do you mean by ' deal with him '? Look Bob, I am serious, don't create any problem. It's fine as it is"

Bob took Ria's hand in his and said, "You know what? I don't care how much you oppose me on this. I am simply not gonna leave someone who messed with my girlfriend. He needs a lesson and I am willing to give him that"

Ria hugged Bob and said, "I love you"

"I know. That's the reason why I am doing this, okay? Now, tell me which house is his"

Ria navigated Bob to Vikram's house. It was on the ground floor, 'perfect in case things don't go their way and they have to run away ', thought Bob.

"Does he live alone?"

"No, but his parents are gone on Tuesday's and today is Tuesday. So, he would be alone"

Bob took out two handkerchiefs and two caps from his pocket and gave Ria one each. Then, he tied the handkerchief around his face and put the cap on while signaling Ria to do the same.

"Really? You are going that serious", she asked in disbelief

"Yeah, I am. Now, would you mind putting them on?", he replied

Reluctantly, Ria tied the handkerchief around her face and put the cap on too. 

"Were you a professional at this before we met?"

Bob shook his head and pressed the doorbell and after a whole minute, a groaning teenager opened the door, cursing all the way. As soon as he became visible Ria gripped Bob's hand tight and Bob squeezed it reassuringly. 

The second Vikram opened the door to ask who they were, Bob busted into the house. He covered Vikram's mouth with one hand and pushed him hard so that he was pinned to the wall within a second. 

Once that was done, he threw the baseball bat at Ria and formed a tight punch, and started punching him repeatedly in the stomach. Ria gripped the baseball bat so tightly in her hands that her knuckles started whitening. Anger bubbled inside her. Then, she charged Vikram with the bat. Vikram was trying to shout but all that was audible was muffled screaming.

They kept on beating him for 2 whole minutes. After that, Bob pushed him so that he was unpinned from the wall. He folded Vikram's arms and held them behind his back. He said in Vikram's ear, "Respect Girls". He then nodded toward Ria. A meaningful message passed through their eyes. Ria backed a bit and then kicked Vikram with all her might where it hurts the most. 

Bob pulled another handkerchief from his pocket and tied it around Vikram's mouth as he fell to the ground in pain. Bob then kicked him hard in the face which gave him a broken nose and bleeding lip. Not to mention black eyes as some of Bob's punches had redirected themselves to his face. He said to him, "Good Luck getting another girlfriend with that face, you jerk!"

Then, Bob grabbed Ria and left the building. They rushed inside their building and stopped only once they were outside their apartment. They sat in the corridor gasping for breath and untied their handkerchiefs and removed their caps.

Ria glanced at Bob who was smiling widely. He said, "I never had so much fun in doing something that is so much right"

Ria smiled too and said, "Now, are you satisfied that your plan was successful? And how many handkerchiefs had you brought?!" she said laughing.

"Well, my plan isn't complete yet and ya, I brought a fair few, just in case you know"

"Not complete? Now what you wanna do?"

"Well, he should know why he got beaten up, don't you think? And that kick was amazing", Bob said laughing.

Ria started laughing harder and Bob joined in too.

Hey readers! DrishKing008 here with another big update. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it and I really did.

This is one of my favourite chapters so far after the final battle. Hope you liked it.

Vote, Comment and Share the chapters to encourage me to write more like this and this novel won't have much more chapters. This long and beautiful journey is about to end.

Thanks a lot for sticking with this novel for so long. I really appreciate it.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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