Chapter 42: Losing The Diary

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They both rushed to the reception to find Jack's bag where he could find his diary and ask his father about such a thing.

He moved to the table where they had sit earlier and found his bag. But, the diary wasn't inside it!

"WHERE IS MY DIARY!?!?", screamed Jack

"Don't worry, we will find it"

They looked here and there but didn't find the diary. Then, suddenly Jack spotted it lying on the floor. He quickly picked it up. He was shocked to see that it's pages were all covered in something black.

"What is it?"

"I don't know Samira. But...Let me check if I can still communicate but most probably I wouldn't be able to do so"


Ignoring her question he opened the diary and said, "Dad, can you hear me?"

"Dad, are you there?"

"Dad! Reply!"

"I think we lost communication Jack"

"Not entirely. Dad told me that I needed to take care of the diary. He said that if it was covered with a magical enough substance, he wouldn't be able to reply to me. But he can still hear me"

"Do you think the spirit-"

"Yes, it did it", Jack was losing his temper very fast but he was also in near tears. He felt very sad and angry at the same time.

Samira wasn't sure what else to do so, she tried to comfort him by rubbing his back gently. She hugged him and said, "It's okay Jack"

"No it's not. I have lost him again and that too to that...spirit"

"We will take our revenge, I promise", Samira pulled back from the hug.

This made Jack notice that Samira was trying her best to comfort him and clam him. She even hugged him. He mentally smiled at her and said, "Thanks, I lost my temper"

"It's fine"

"But now, how will we figure out about such a thing?"

Suddenly the phone which Samira's  mom had given her to contact her anytime started ringing. She looked at who it was and was glad to see her friend's, Akshara's name. She quickly picked it up.

"Hello, Akshara?"

"Hi Samira! How are you doing?"

"I am not that good actually but...leave it"

"The news will make you better. Remember you told us to find more about the spirit and tell you if it is of any use?"

"Ya! Did you-"

"Yes! We found out that along with Monicka Sethi, she had another friend that was pretty close to her. In fact, earlier it seemed that the pair were the best friend but the trio were the best friend forever. Her name was Amrita Patil. After the death of Monicka, Amrita was pretty shattered, so, she took quite a lot of holidays. And when she returned, she was hit with the news of Jasica being a killer. She wasn't able to stand it all anymore because after Monicka being dead and Jasica being a killer because of Monicka, she was watched with suspicion and ill-treated a lot. She left that job"

"So, did you find out where she is now?"

"Yes, that's why it took us that long to tell you because we thought we will give you the complete info at once. She works in Egypt itself! In a hotel called ' The Heights'. She does a variety of jobs there. Currently, she is working as the receptionist. She changes her job within the hotel every month, no idea why, but she is currently the receptionist, that's all I know "

"Listen...I will call you back later. I need to find her urgently"

"Bye, then"


Hey readers! Sorry for late updates but I was out of station. My chapter was ready, I tried a lot but there was no internet connection in my hotel. But, now I am back!

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