Chapter 37: All Doubts cleared

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"But how is it actually possible?"

"It was a very advanced magic. I could talk to my father using that book(Like Tom Riddle's diary in Harry Potter, if you are confused). He kept on telling me very important details about the spirit and what was it doing at the time"

"But how come he knew that you needed that diary as you are child and he won't be there to guide you in person?"

"I asked him the same question. He told me that he could see the future a little and he knew he was going to die that day. So, he made all the plans of dying himself early. He knew that day he was going to die but still, he died himself happily just for me"

"Your dad was a noble man"

"Thanks. Anyway, He told me everything that was happening with you all and even the things that you don't know were happening behind your back. Like, do you know why the spirit only came in your dream and didn't attack you earlier?"


"It was very very weak at that time and only had the power to haunt someone in their dreams"

"Then, how it has become so powerful now?"

"Somebody revived it accidently or willingly by helping it become more and more powerful with time"

"But who?"

"Dad told me that something was blocking him to see who it was. Maybe a very powerful dark force"

"So, now what?"

"First, you need to clear all the doubts you have. I can tell you the answer to most of them. It is necessary for you to have a clear idea of the spirit"

"We saw you at the airport", said Ria and Samira together


"Ya, the day we were going to Egypt to obtain the tool. You were dressed in complete priest clothes and just vanished after talking to us!"

"It could be my father then, he used his powers to try and strengthen you before you get to the tool"

"Do you know about Vikram?"

"Ya, he was also harassed by the spirit itself. It tried to divide you two and make you fight with each other"

"So, what will happen to him?"

"Don't worry, we will free him from the spirit but it is possible only after the spirit is weaken to some extent"

"Was it really their parents who forced me to obtain the tools by trapping my mum?", asked Bob

"Hmm...Great question. It was the spirit"

"What? Why would it wish that they get the tools faster? They are getting them to kill it Afterall"

"The spirit is very confident that the tools won't be able to do anything to her"

"What? Any reason for this thinking"

"Yes, it thinks that it could perform the Demon protection ritual, which means that the tools won't be able to do anything to it"

"What ritual?"

"The Demon protection ritual. If it is able to complete the ritual, it would be blessed by the demon itself and then, it can take a wish that no tool can affect it, no matter if it's the Holy Spirit Capturer Tools. It will perform the ritual day after tomorrow"


Hey readers, my exams are just about to start. So, I will probably not update till  8th Feb. But I might be able to. So, don't abandon the novel till 8th Feb as there is a small chance that I might.

I have a good news too, before 21st Feb, I might give bonus updates too. Because I won't be able to update in my exams, I figured out that I might give some bonus updates before that. No promises though. But stay tuned!

Hope you are liking the story so far. We are just about to hit 100 votes!!! I am very excited for that. Keep showing your support as it means a lot to me.

No shout-out so far.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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