Chapter 17 : The Deadly Hallway

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Samira thought for a while. Then, an idea struck her mind. She took out the bow and arrow and tied the string to her waist. She took a deep breath and shot the arrow pretty high, somewhere outside the pit. Then she kept aside the bow and arrow. But then she said to herself, "Maybe I should keep it with me. It might come in handy". She took back the bow and arrow. With the help of the rope tied to her waist, she climbed up and she was out of the pit.

After she came out of that pit, she didn't know what to do. She had been betrayed by her sister. She had never thought that at some point she had to stand against her sister. Then, she said, "What can I even do? If I continue my journey through the traps, then it is sure that I will come face to face with Ria. I don't want to fight with her or harm her. 

After a short while, Samira said, "Maybe I should keep on passing the traps and when I come across Ria, I will secretively pass by her. I think I can manage to do that".

She then began walking towards the next traps. After some time, she saw a fairly big hallway. At its entrance, it was written 'Watch your step because we won't give you more than 3 chances. Good Luck !" Samira remembered the trap about which she had read in the article. She began analyzing the floor. If you looked very carefully, you could see tiny circles slightly outwards than the others. She assumed that if she stepped on the circles, the trap would get triggered and arrows will start shooting at her. She could simply remember the tiles on which she can't walk but it was not possible due to the length of the hallway. 

The tiles were visible only if they were looked from a particular angle towards the side and if she was looking from upwards they looked just the same as the regular tiles. She could not see the tiles if she was standing on the adjacent one and due to the length of the hallway, she couldn't see all the tiles before starting. So, she had to just pray that she doesn't step on the wrong tiles for the part of the hallway which's tiles she couldn't see. 

She observed the pattern of the tiles which were near and started walking through the hallway. She took a deep breath and stepped on the first tile safely. She kept on doing this for a while but then the part came which's tiles were unknown. She was scared to pass through this part but it had to be done. She stepped on the first tile and was relieved by not hearing any arrow shooting. But then, when she stepped on the next tile, an arrow came at a lightning speed and hit her on the stomach. 

It hurt a lot but she knew she wasn't going to die from the first arrow only. Then after passing 4 tiles, the 5th one proved to be a bit unlucky because it caused another arrow to hit her head. The poor girl was suffering through a lot of pain but no matter what, she had to go ahead. She kept on walking. 

Now, the end of the hallway was visible. She wanted the hallway to be over quick because if another arrow would hit her, she would be dead. But then, when she was on the last tile she heard an arrow shooting sound. She turned back. She had stepped on the wrong tile!

She couldn't move by herself due to her injuries. Will she be able to survive?


DrishKing008 here. Hope you are liking the story. Please vote for the chapters as it is really helpful and encouraging. Leave a comment if you are excited for the next chapter! See you all later.

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