Chapter 45: Ria Has Another Secret!

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Ria realised that she should not have revealed everything to Bob. But, now it was done and it couldn't be changed, she tried her best to cover up her mistake, but it wasn't going to work because Bob was really intelligent.

"What did you say?"


"We both know what you said, don't try to be too smart"

"I am too smart and besides I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Really Ria? Are you serious? We both know what you said okay. So, I would appreciate if you would elaborate a bit"

"But I didn't s-"

"I also told you the truth about what was I feeling and even about my mum. I have told you my every secret. Come on!"

"Okay, but you won't tell anyone"


"I and Vikram were both doing well and he knew what I felt for him. Then, a new girl came into our school and he began ignoring me and spending all his time with her. Whenever I went to talk to him, he always said he was busy but I could see he was avoiding me and wanted the new girl. One day, I was fed up and told him that I knew what he was doing. He said me to stay out of this and leave him alone. After that, I decided to forget him but it was difficult and then I started getting videos of him being tortured. I was still not over it and it hurt a lot to see him like that. I thought if I would save him, he might understand me and stay with me"

"Are you serious right now?"

"Of course"

"You still want to save that man who did all of this to you?"

Ria remained silent.

"Come on! Say something"

"I-I just..."

"Now, if you see me as your friend. Take my advice"

"You are my friend. I now know that I am wrong, so, I will do whatever you say because I trust you"

"Then, don't follow it's orders even if it threatens to kill him as he really deserves to be killed. And, don't waste your time thinking about him. He is just...not worth any time of yours"

"Shall I not save him? I don't care who or how mad is he, he is getting tortured because of me"

"You...okay! Fine, after rescuing him, if you still feel like rescuing him, I will tell him that I did it-"

"What? Why?"

"Will you let me finish?"


"I will say that I am your new boyfriend and I did all of this to get revenge on him. Then, you will meet him and tell him to never show his face again. I will tell you the rest of the plan after that"

"What? Why will you pretend to be my boyfriend?"

"Honestly girl? Did you forget your brain at the hotel while getting kidnapped?"

"Wait...I get it. We will make him feel jealous?"

"And also that you are happy without him. He should regret and after that I have some great plans"

Bob gave a devilish smile.

"You know, I haven't told anyone about all this"

"Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me and I believe mine are too with you"


They both looked at eachother and laughed like they both have been best friends since childhood.

Even when they were in great danger, they didn't forget to be happy about everything all the time.
Hey readers! DrishKing008 is here with another Sunday update. My school's have started so there will be a lot less bonus updates but I will try to make sure to update every Sunday.

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