Chapter 7 : Solved !!!

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Now it was to the last day. If they will not find it today, one of them would be dead. It was turning really scary. Suddenly, Divya spoke loudly and cheerfully, "Guys, I might have just found it !" All the girls turned to Divya with relief and asked her what it was. Divya started explaining, "  Ria and Samira had stayed in Jaisalmer, Andhra Pradesh, Srinagar, Itanagar, Chandigarh and Agartala. Akshara had stayed in Maharashtra, Amritsar, Tripura, Hyderabad, Erode, Wargaon and Shimla. If we take the first letter of all the places Ria and Samira had stayed, in the correct order, we get J from Jaisalmer, A for Andhra Pradesh, S for Srinagar, I for Itanagar, C for Chandigarh and A for Agartala, we get the name JASICA. If we take the places that Akshara has been to, again in the correct order, we get M for Maharashtra, A for Amritsar, T for Tripura, H for Hyderabad, E for Erode, W for Wargaon and S for Shimla, we get MATHEWS. So, the spirit name might me Jasica Mathews". Divya was a genius, she had solved the spirit's riddle and that too on time. But there was still a problem. They all thought, how would they let the spirit know that they have solved it ? They didn't wanted to just think that the spirit knew it and take a chance of one of them getting killed even if they solved it. So, they made a quick plan. They went to the entrance of the mortuary path and thought that this was the place where it all began. They folded a paper with Jasica Mathews written on it and threw it on the path. The paper began to fly and was at the edge when a terrible looking hand snatched it and disappeared with the paper. They all were scared but not much because they knew it was the spirit. They all were now relieved and went to their homes peacefully. While Ria was trying to sleep, she wondered why was the spirit doing this ? If it wanted to kill them, it could do that easily. So, why was it giving them riddles ? Did the spirit wanted to play with them ? If so, then why it said that it would kill one of them if they were not able to find the connection ? What the spirit actually wanted? These all questions struck in Ria's mind. She wanted to know what the spirit was actually doing and why was it doing so but she knew that she couldn't find the answers all alone just by herself. She wanted the group to help her and together find everything about the spirit. So, she decided to ask the group for help tomorrow and for that she needed to sleep but she didn't wanted to because she knew the spirit would come in her dreams and haunt her. She was tired of the spirit and wanted to get rid of it but that was simply just not possible. She just wanted to live life normally without any spirits, with her family. Besides all this, she slept peacefully. Neither she nor the others knew about the dangerous plans of the spirit and what they were suffering at the moment was just one part of the spirit's dreadful plans.


This is the seventh chapter of my novel. Hope you guys like it and appreciate my efforts by voting, commenting and following me.

Thanks for reading !!! 

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