Chapter 46: Jack's Theory

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"Let's first find her and talk to her"

"So, do you agree on this, Jack?"

"Umm...Fine. Only because of you"


Jack smiled and got up. He held out his hand for Samira to hold and get up. Samira took his hand to get up. Then, they both went to the reception of the hotel. There sat an old-looking lady, probably around 50 yrs. 

"Excuse me, are you Amrita Patil?", asked Samira

"Sorry dear?"

"What is your name mam?" Jack said

"Umm...Catherine, why?"

"Do you know Amrita Patil?"

"Yes, there she is. AMRITA!" The lady bellowed over her shoulders

A woman appeared. She had grey hair, black eyes and an average height. She asked, "Yes? How may I help you?"

"Are you Amrita Patil?"

"Yes I am"

"Mam, we need to talk in personal"

All of them went to a corner. Then, Jack  told her most of things, those which are neccessary to convince her. However, she refused bluntly.

"Don't you understand! We need your help"

"Calm Samira. Mam, you are our only hope. Pease help, it is all for a good cause"

"I won't " she said blankly

The woman turned and walked away.

"I don't think she is of any use"

"She is so self-centered"

"Samira, I have a theory but it's like a blind guess. For that, you need to ask your friend who gave her the information"

"First tell me what's your theory"

"Look, it is probably false, just ask her. It will take 2 seconds"

"NO, tell me what is your theory"

"You are so stubborn!"

"Well, so are you. Why don't you just tell me"

Jack looked at the phone in Samira's pocket and tried to take it quick, but Samira had already tracked his gaze and took out the phone just in time. He tried to take it from her hands but her grip was too tight. Soon bagan a childish fight in between the two. Samira noticed that although Jack was trying to snatch it, he was very gentle and careful not to hurt her in any way.

She stretched her hand backwards with the phone in it. Jack tried to take it, from far it looked like they were hugging eachother but who knew they were fighting like children about a silly thing.

Samira lost it, she grabbed his collar for attention, looked him in the eyes and said, "Why don't you just tell me and let go?"

"Fine" grunted Jack

"Tell then"

"Look, don't laugh at me and don't think about it too seriously either. It is just a guess"


"Don't you think that if she, Amrita, knew about you-know-who being a killer, then, she must also have known about the curse my father gave. Also, my father told me that someone broke the curse on the spirit."

"Will you speak Jack?"

"Can't it be...Like look at this this way, she was best friend with you-know-who. When she learnt that her best friend was a killer, can't it be like she joined her and was with her killing all. It could also be that when the curse worked, she helped her friend to get free, and broke the curse"

"All is fine and fits perfectly but Jack, your father said that a powerful dark force was blocking him to see who it was, remember?"

"Amrita herself could have used some dark magic. After the curse was given, there was a time gap after which the curse actually affected her. She could have been very well preparing for it, learning dark magic all the time to save her friend from the curse when her time would come. She could have supported her, you know"

"It's a dark theory Jack"

Hey readers! I, DrishKing008 is here with another Sunday story update for you all.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far. The story is a bit dark with time but that will change, so, don't you worry.

What do you think is going to happen next? Tell me in the Comments and while you are there, take a second more to Vote and appreciate my efforts. See you all in the next update.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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