Chapter 38: Planning Interrupted

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"And you are telling this thing at the last after all the useless doubts are cleared"

"We have time guys"

"Oh, do we?"

"Yes, trust me guys"

"Okay, I trust you Jack" at this statement of Samira, Bob felt a little jealous and shot a look at Jack.

Samira continued, "But first you need to tell us what we have to do to stop it"

"Thanks for the trust Samira"

"It's Sa-mai-ra not Sa-mee-ra"

"Okay, Samira"


As their conversation developed, Bob kept on feeling more and more uncomfortable and insecure regarding Samira, but he decided to understand the situation and keep quiet.

"We need to weaken it enough so that it can't apparate to the place where it can perform the ritual, then, we have to make sure that it doesn't reach there in time", Jack continued


"Vanish suddenly and teleport to that place"

"In time?"

"Means before the moon has passed the circle"


"There would be a circle left in the ceiling of the place where it would perform the ritual. It has to perform the ritual in the particular time slot when the moon is visible completely from that circle"

"And how are we gonna stop it?" asked Ria

"How are we gonna weaken it in the first place?" asked Bob

"I didn't had enough time to ask my father as I had to come and save you all from the spirit. Let's ask him now"

Jack put a diary on the table, opened it to the newest place and spoke, "Dad, you there?". Suddenly, a writing came into existence out of the diary as if someone invisible was writing on it. It wrote "YES".

"Dad, tell me how are we going to weaken it enough not to apparate and how are we gonna stop it not to reach the place in time?"

It wrote, "Son, my powers are telling me you can't do that now"

"Why dad?"

"It has made a protection circle around the entire place and none of you can cross it"

"What will we do now?"

"You need to trap it in the mirror dimension. Provoke it to come and then trap it till the time has passed"

"But Dad, I am not that strong priest. I can't do that on my own"

"Take Samira's help. You two have the strongest powers among all of you"

"How can I help? I don't know anything!" Samira joined the conversation

"None of you alone can. You two together can trap it for some time"

"But Da-"

The book closed suddenly.

"He can't talk anymore"

"Jack, how can I help?!"

"Wait, let me think for a bit"

"Can't you take me instead?" Bob asked

"No. Dad told that only I and her can...Only I and her can...Only I...and her...", Jack kept repeating this to try and figure out something. Then, it struck him.

"I got it! Samira will be there tempting the spirit a-"

"NO! You can't risk her life just to tempt that ***" Bob screamed at Jack as if he wanted to kill him

"Shut up!" Jack screamed back

"You are a moron! You Idiot!" Jack looked as much angry but a bit urgent too

Meanwhile, Samira came in, "Stop it!"

"QUIET EVERYONE" Jack made all of them jump on their seats

They had met him not too early but they had got an idea of his personality in that much time and they knew he wouldn't lose his temper in just this as he was a priest and knew how to control his emotions well better than Bob.

Then, a big, black figure emerged in front of them. It was the spirit! And it was proceeding towards Bob! It was very angry and seemed even more scarier at that time. It was it's original form. It was like lots of jet black smoke in the shape of a dreadful, terrible and horrible face. Then, a high-pitched, ear-piercing scream was heard which was even more loud than the one heard before.

Clearly, Bob had lost his temper and made a huge mistake. 

Hey readers, I honestly regret my decision of telling that there would be bonus updates. Although I hadn't made a promise, I had told you guys that I will probably upload one. So, here it is!

Hope you are liking the story. It is becoming more and more interesting with every chapter...I hope? I am enjoying a lot writing it now, I have written some drafts too, but they are if I don't find time and make a promise to upload, because I am not the one who thinks about the future before making promises but I am a woman of my words.

This chapter was a bit longer than usual, even then, I had to stop myself from writing more in a single chapter and write the rest in the next chapter(draft).

Please Vote, Comment, and share the chapters as usual. It motivates me a lot, if I get enough support, then, I MIGHT, upload a bit extra than planned.

Anyways, I just want your support to keep me going.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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