Chapter 61: Time Starts, 3 hrs To Go

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"You must go to the mirror dimension yourself. You need to find the spirit there and kill it with the holy tools you all have collected. You need to combine their powers with the ritual you very well know son. The spirit is really weak in the mirror dimension and the holy tools are really powerfull for her right now. They have the capability to destroy her there. You kill her there and she will stay there forever. She can come back but really advanced magic is needed for that and in this generation, I highly doubt anyone is capable to do that in the whole world. It has gone extinct by now. So, all you need to do is combine the tools, go to the mirror dimension and kill the spirit. After that you all will be free from it FOREVER. But time is ticking. Hurry up son!"


"But dad, only 3 hours are there. How can we do such an important thing in a rush like that?"

"You have to do it son. I know you can. Otherwise it would be impossible to face her after she has escaped as she will be in a fit of anger. If we have to do it, this is the time. Hurry up! Don't waste any more time. Exactly 3 hours are there. Starting...NOW!"

Jack looked at Samira's watch. It read 8:00 pm. They would have time till 11:00 pm only!

"Okay dad. I will try my best"

"Just believe in yourself. You are capable of much more than you think. Now start!"

"Bye dad. Wish me luck"

With that Jack closed the book in a nano second and was about to rush upstairs to fetch Samira's bag which had all the tools(He had put all of the tools in the bag with Samira, to keep them safe)  when Samira came running from upstairs with the tools in her hand. In her hurry, she tripped on the last of the steps. But, luckily,Jack caught her. She managed herself back and quickly gave Jack the tools and said, "Hurry! We don't have much time"

Jack nodded and although he didn't want to let go off her, he concentrated on the task at hand and quickly went to the drawing room with the tools which was fairly large to perform such a ritual. All the others were at his heel. 

He kept all the tools together and started chanting spells accompanied by his wierd hand movements. Slowly, the tools lifted themselves in air and started coming closer to eachother. Soon, there was no gap left in between them. After this, Jack did some more chanting, struggle visible on his face and suddenly the tools fused into one single legendary tool.

It was longer than any of the tools and instead of a single gem at the top, it had five gems on it's head. It looked magestic.

Jack smiled a little and grabbed the ultimate tool by his hand.

He turned to face others and said, "I have successfully fused all the tools into one. Step one done. Now, guys, let's get rest of the things done and tell the spirit whose her dad in this game"

"Let's do it, mate" said Bob, full of motivation.

All of them were filled with dedication. This is your end Jasica Mathews.

Hey readers! DrishKing008 here with another Saturday update for you guys. Hope you liked the chapter.

I have a kind of sneak peek I guess? There will be exactly 64 chapters in this novel. If you call this a sneak peek 😅.

Anyways! I have also published a new one shot paranormal story, "It All Started With A Dare". So, go check it out. I really hope you guys would like it.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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