Chapter 11 : How ???

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Kaka said, "That was the story of Jasica Mathews" and left as his shift was now over. Everything was now coming in place. The girls had now understood why was the spirit doing all this. Jasica wanted to kill just the sisters, Akshara had the same dreams for once because the spirit was giving them a clue. The sisters were in great danger but at least they knew what they had to do to protect themselves and capture the spirit. They needed to find The Holy Spirit Capturer Tools. But what are they ? Neither of them knew about it. So, they decided to google it. They figured out that there are 5 holy tools used to capture strong spirits, scattered all over the world. They all are located in different, ancient, enormous structures filled with deadly traps to protect them. No one has ever been able to pass all the obstacles and reach the tools. They all are together called The Holy Spirit Capturer Tools. In the ancient books, it is written, "Only the ones who are worthy of getting the tools will pass the traps. They need to have a valid and positive reason for getting the tools. The tools can protect them from the deadliest of the spirit only, if they are right and the spirit is wrong. The tools can't be used against good spirits or for a negative plan. The one who is in need of these tools for protecting a good being will pass the first traps easily but the other traps won't be as easy because the person also needs to prove if he or she is worthy of getting them or not". They all wondered if no one has ever been able to pass the traps then how will they pass the traps ? After all they all were just kids. But, then they remembered that those who need it for protection will pass the first traps easily. Others were doing it for fun and just to become famous but they were doing it for protection. But there was still a problem, how would they convince their parents to go to different parts of the world and also buy them all the tickets ? This was a huge problem. Their parents would never allow them to go to all the parts of the world and that to without them and just with their friends. They were not old enough to do that.  So, what should they do to convince them ? They all began thinking. Samira  said, "Maybe only I and Ria should go. It will be easier to convince just two people instead of all". "But how would you manage to pass all the obstacles all alone, without anyone's help ?" asked Akshara. "Let's keep on thinking, we will figure out something better" said Divya. They kept on thinking for hours. Then Akshara said, "Maybe we should tell our parents all the things now. They should know that we are in great trouble. They might prove to be useful in the future too". There were many great ideas but what would they end up doing ? Would they dare to tell their parents everything and face them or will they again think of a brilliant plan and fool their parents once more. What would they do ?


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