Chapter 31: Plan In Action

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Samira and Ria were just so confused on what was going on. They now thought that Bob had lost his mind and due to ego problem has said all that and boasted a lot about them.

They now thought that they were all going to die there as both of the champions looked at them with rage.

Then Bob looked at them and secretively winked. They both got some hope that his plan might work. Then they both moved their attention towards the champion sisters who were staring at eachother and thinking something. Their face showed lots of anger. It seemed that they were planning to assassinate the trio!

Bob continued,"So, do you accept the challenge? And if you do I can call some people to bring the special gloves for you two. Don't feel shy and just give me a sign if you are too scared to say anything, pussy cats!"

"We are not pussy cats but the tigers which will break your bones! Call them and tell them that their masters are going to die"

"Then give me your phone to call and share the location because if they see our numbers then, they will first reach and kill you and then ask what happened"

One of them threw the phone at Bob and said,"Go ahead. Call them and tell them to bring a stretcher for you all too. I will kill both your madams with just a single punch of spiky gloves"

Bob catched the phone and went near the sisters and said,"Call them, you know whom"

They both had understood the whole plan now. "Bob is very clever" thought Samira. Ria thought," Bob is very clever so he can hide a secret and that too a big one. I must find what he is hiding and show the truth to Samira"

Ria took the phone and dialed the number of her parents. When the bell was ringing, Bob told her pointing towards a corner of the area,"If you need, you can go and talk there". Ria understood what he said indirectly and went to a place far enough so that no one else could hear her.

She dialed her mom's number on the phone. After sometime, her mom picked up the phone and answered,"Hello. Who's there?"

"Mom, it's me!"

"Oh my god! Ria! You are out of that pyramid?"

"Yes mom, but everything isn't fine and I can't tell you the whole thing at the moment"

"Are you both fine?"

"Ya, kind of. Tell dad that I am sending my location to him from this number. Al-"

"Who's number is this?"

"Mom, I will tell you everything but first you both need to get us out of here. Now listen, I am sending my location to Dad with this number. All he need to do is come rushing in his car to the location. Three of us will get in the car immediately and then, he has to drive very, very quick and let us all out of here. If he is not fast enough, we are in a big trouble"

"All that is fine, but who is the third?"

"I will tell you EVERYTHING. Just tell dad to come fast, wait for us three to reach the car, and then, buzz out of there as soon as possible"

"Fine dear. Take care"

"Ya mom, I will meet you tell you all about it"

"Okay. I will tell your dad to go quickly and bring my daughters back"

"Bye mom"

"Bye sweetheart"

Ria got emotional by hearing her mom's voice after such a long time. She had really missed her mom and wanted to go to her ASAP.
Hey readers! Surprised to see me on Wednesday, and that too when I have already updated on Sunday. If you are curious, then let me tell you that this is a BONUS UPDATE!

Recently I was writing more frequently because I have introduced a major plot change. Remember me asking to change the name as the story is adventurous? Now all of it is about to change.

I have planned to make this story HORROR as that is what I promised in the beginning. So, now get ready for a spine-tearing spooky adventure. I am going to make this horror now because now the trio has gained the tool and now it's time to face the spirit!(scared?)

Vote, Comment and share the chapters as usual. Follow me for more such novels and for keep showing the support. See you on Sunday. Till then take care everyone

Thanks For Reading!!!

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