Chapter 44: Will It Work???

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Samira cut the call and suddenly hugged Jack tight. Jack was a bit confused but after hesitating, he hugged her back. Still hugging him, she said, "We found it! We found it Jack!"

Then, after she had told him, she realised that she had hugged him in happiness. She quickly pulled herself back, blushing furiously. This was followed by an awkward silence. Then, breaking the silence Jack asked, "Found what?"

"The thing which we will use to tempt the spirit"

"Really! What is that?"

Then, Samira told everything with detail to Jack. He seemed way more happy after he had listened everything.

"Come on, now what are you waiting for, Jack?"

"No, we can't mess it up. It is our only chance. We need to make a plan first"

"Right, so, tell then, what are we going to do?"

"Look, it's great that we found her best friend, but the question really is how will we make her come back here, because of her friend. I mean, I can make the news reach her through some type of spells, but we need to make sure that the spirit will stay there for a moment. She won't wait there just to meet her friend. She is a spirit and that too a clever one"

"So, do you mean that this information is pathetic?"

"No, we must, actually we WILL find a way to tempt her using her friend. But, we need to think"

Samira nodded silently and they both started thinking of how they could do it. They sat there for about half an hour, but still nothing came to their mind. Then,Suddenly, Samira shouted, "I got it!"


"Look, the spirit came here because Bob abused her, right?"


"So, why not we use that to-"

"Samira, Samira, Samira, the spirit already has Bob as well as Ria, she won't come if we do the same because it now knows that we are aware of what happens if we abuse it, it will instantly know that it's a trap and we are doing all this to make her come here"

"You are right, if WE do it then it will know it's a trap but if her best friend, Amrita Patil does it and says that she was responsible for Monicka's death, then she will definately come and defend itself by arguing with her"

"But it can also kill that Amrita Patil in anger that her best friend is saying these things to her. Knowing this, I highly doubt that Amrita Patil is going to participate in our plans"

"Who will tell her?"

"Of course, I will"

"Then, she won't help us"

"Look Samira, I can't risk her life to tempt that spirit and that too by falsely assuring her about her safety"

"But you were going to use me for that!?!?"

"It's different! I was doing all this to protect you only on the first place and I didn't tell any lies to you to make you agree!"

"Okay, listen to me, You CAN protect her. I have seen you! And you have protected all of us too"

"I am not that strong to do it every single time and get success"

"Please Jack, we need to do something. They have both Ria and Bob. They both mean a lot to me"

After some more convincing, Jack finally agreed. In her mind, Samira thought how kind and honest Jack actually was.
Hey readers! DrishKing008 here. I am here with another Sunday update. Hope you guys are liking the story so far and is so, kindly take a moment to Vote, Comment and Share the chapters to appreciate and motivate me.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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