Chapter Thirty-Five: The Past is Ass

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Chapter Thirty-Five: The Past is Ass

Chapter Thirty-Five: The Past is Ass

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DEC  17TH, 2038
7:30:24 PM

They say we live in the moment, that the past is always gone, and each day is something new, a stepping stone into the future. But is the past ever truly in the past? Is it really just gone or do we relive our pasts every moment without realizing it? We are all a product of our past. None of us get to pick and choose our lives and the events that take place within them. The things we can control is how we deal with these events and not let ourselves become prisoners of it. But even then, it's easier said then done when the past decides to come back and bite you.


Devon, Connor, and Hank have been working tirelessly on these two murder cases. It still seems like there are no leads, nothing pointing the group in the right direction. Now here they are, two days later and in the same place they have been since the first murder happened. A dead woman and no clues leading the group to the person that committed the heinous crimes.

Devon Cassidy sits at her desk, eyes glued to the monitor of her terminal, a cup of coffee that's already gone cold, and her fingers fidgeting with a pen she stole from Hank's desk. Speaking of Hank, the older man has already retired of the day, wanting to go home and rest up before Chris's party. This made the woman chuckle a bit when he said this, she of course teased him about being too old in which the man waved her off with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.

Connor sits across from Devon at his desk, brown eyes looking straight past his terminal and fixated on his partner that just doesn't seem to know when to take a break. When Devon feels stressed or feels like she isn't doing enough, this is what she's like. Totally oblivious to the world around her, ignoring how late it has gotten and how badly she needs to give her mind a break. The brunette caught her being up as early as five in the morning trying to work on the case at home before they headed into the station. These cases have totally consumed her, or are on their way to.

The android appreciates her work ethic and determination. These are qualities that caused the android to respect the woman immensely in the beginning when they first met. But right now, he wishes she wasn't so ambitious or determined. Connor wants to her take a break, drink some water, and have a proper meal but that's almost like pulling a tooth when she gets in her zones like this.

He understands that there's something deeper behind her actions, a bigger reason that she is pushing herself so hard to try and find even the littlest scraps of evidence. Devon hates failing and isn't used to failing. Mostly all of her cases have been solved, so for her to be so stuck right now not having a clue where to look next, is bothering her extremely. And another thing is that Devon doesn't like to let people down. If she doesn't catch the killer, she feels as if she's letting everyone involved down and that she'd be the reason there will be another killing.

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