Chapter Sixteen: Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter Sixteen: Calm Before The Storm

NOV 10TH, 2038
PM 04:17:05

Another day was upon Detroit, the sunlight stretching across the snow-covered ground. The rays peer through the broken boards in the roof of the long-forgotten church. A place that was once used for prayer and worship is now being used as a safe haven, a hiding place for deviants. Beings, people, that just want to be free but have to hide from their own creators.

Humans are afraid of things they don't understand. This has been proven since the beginning of time. Androids becoming more human, developing emotions is a new phenomenon that is scaring millions of people over the globe. They didn't understand how. How? How can these things, these machines feel? How can they desire something? Want something? Emotions were only registered for human beings, not these masses of plastic and wires...right?

Well, what exactly makes one human? Is it the characteristics that humans have developed in the beginning? Walking upright, able to create things with their hands, having brains and hearts? Thanks to Elijah Kamski, androids are capable of all of these things and much more. In a way, androids are more advanced beings than humans that are just so fragile.

Why can't humans and androids live harmoniously alongside one another without any violence or one feeling inferior to the other? In a world that is only projecting the hate, there was actually a lot of love and goodness that rarely reaches the surface. There are humans that care for their androids, treat them as if they are family, a friend, a lover. Humans and Androids can live harmoniously together without violence or feeling inferior, but the humans have to be willing to listen and put aside their fears.

Yes, some deviants have shown aggression towards humans but it was only when they are afraid. Carlos Ortiz, a man that devoted his time to filling his bloodstream with drugs and taking his anger out on his android that was there to care for him. Like an animal that has been hurt one too many times, instead of continuing to cower in its corner, it may decide to lash out and fight back. Much like Carlos's android. A being that was hurt and abused that just wanted it to stop, just wanted to be free. So, he fought back, killing his abuser.

If it were a human, it would be labeled as self-defense in a way but because he was an android, he was deemed to be taken apart to see why he deviated. Why he became defective. This is what Markus was fighting to change. To give androids the very same rights that humans uphold. For his people to live a free and good life. This is what Devon was willing to lose her job over. The one thing that has given her structure in her life for almost seven years. This cause was worth losing her dream job and being arrested for aiding the deviants. She'd be able to sit in a jail cell with a smile on her face knowing that she did the right thing.

The blonde stirs in her sleep, her nose scrunching up slightly when a beam of light hits against her closed eyelids. A yawn escapes her slightly parted lips as she pulls to piece of warm clothing that's wrapped around her. Green eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times to clear the blurriness. Once her eyes focus she jolts upwards, two figures crouched down in front of her, startling the half-asleep detective. She winches when her sore muscles scream in protest at her sudden movements.

"Oh! I'm sorry! We didn't mean to scare you." The voice rushes quickly. Devon takes in a couple of deep breaths as she tries to settle her now racing heart. "Jesus..." She sighs, rubbing her face tiredly. "Humans are easy to scare when they are just waking up." The blonde informs the two identical androids in front of her. "We're sorry, you just seemed so peaceful..." The android continues, pushing a blue strand of hair behind her ear. "It's okay." Devon smiles at the two Traci's. "We heard you helped Markus at Jericho when the humans came." The short-haired Traci speaks up, wondering if the rumor was true. "Helped any deviants that you could." The blue Traci adds.

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