Chapter Four: A Chase

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Chapter Four: A Chase

DATENOV 6TH, 2038TIMEPM 03:03:17

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NOV 6TH, 2038
PM 03:03:17

Hank's old car pulls across the street from the Chicken Feed, a small food truck run by one man. This is a place her and Hank love coming to after a case. She remembers he took her here after her first case and from then on it's become some sort of a tradition for the two detectives. Devon reaches forward and turns down Hanks metal music. "Stay in the car." Hank tells Connor.

Devon and Hank both get out of the car, Hank walking ahead of her. "Hey, whoa, whoa, hey!" He shouts at a self-driving car, slapping the front of it. Devon jogs across the street, following after her partner. "Hey, Hank, Devon, how you doin'?" Gary, the man behind the counter asks. "Eh, you know, same old shit." Hank shrugs. "How are you, Gary?" Devon asks, earring a smile from the man. "I'm good, I'm good." He nods. "The usuals?" He asks, eyeing the two detectives. "Yeah." Hank nods and Devon pushes a strand of wet hair away from her face. "You got it." He moves away from them, beginning to get their food ready.  "Couldn't help but notice you have a android in your car." Gary comments. "The plastic with you?" Devon glances over her shoulder to see Connor getting out of the car.

"Only temporarily," Hank mutters. "Hey, hey, hey...Hank, Devon! How you doin'?" A man named Pedro greets them and him and Hank shake hands then hug and Devon gives him a firm nod, keeping her hands in her pockets. "Hey listen, I got a shit hot tip for you." Devon tunes him out, not really caring for his 'hot tip' because it wasn't her thing to gamble or anything like that.

Connor makes it to them and she watches as he scans Pedro and Gary, his LED yellow as he processes whatever information he is getting. "Fine, I'm in." Hank slaps some money in his hand and he smiles. "You won't regret it!" Pedro calls, leaving the detectives alone. Connor moves forward to stand beside Hank who groans when he sees the android. His posture is straight, his hands held behind his back and he was looking at Hanks face. "What is your problem?" Hank asks, looking over at the android. "Don't you ever do as you're told?" Connor just stares at him blankly. "Look, you don't have to follow me around like a poodle." Hank sighs, looking away from him. "If you wanna follow someone around, follow Devon." Hank motions over to he partner who just raises an eyebrow at him.

Devon moves so she could be standing on the other side of Connor. "I'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station." Connor begins to apologize, making the ends of Devon's lips turn upwards. "I didn't mean to be unpleasant." He was really trying to reconcile with the Lieutenant. "Oh wow." Hank chuckles. "You even have a brown-nosing apology program!"


"Guys at CyberLife thought of everything, huh?" He shakes his head slightly. "Here you go." Gary says, setting down two containers and two drinks on the counter. Hank hands him some money before grabbing his own food and Devon grabs hers. "Thank, Gary. I'm starving." Hank thanks him and Devon smiles at the man inside the truck. "Thank you." The two begin to walk to their usual place to eat when Gary calls out to them. "Don't leave that thing here." He was speaking about Connor. "Huh, not a chance! Follows us everywhere..." Hank calls back.

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