Chapter Eleven: Defensive

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Chapter Eleven: Defensive

DATE NOV 8TH, 2038TIMEPM 6:30:12

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NOV 8TH, 2038
PM 6:30:12

A pair of green eyes stare blankly at the floor under black boots. Devon has her arms wraps around herself, her back leaned against the wall. Her ears were drowning out the chatter of voices that were echoing around the hallway she stood in, her mind wandering off to her android partner that was currently interrogating three possible deviants in the kitchen.

The woman is worried about her partner. She's never seen Connor like that before. It concerns her. He felt the other deviant die. That couldn't have been easy for him to experience. The look he had in his made her heart hurt. She couldn't imagine what it was like to experience death. What does it feel like when you die? Do you feel anything at all? Does your life flash before your eyes? Does it feel like your dreaming? Is it painful? Death is something no one knows how it feels unless they've done it themselves, thus making it hard for others to know what it's like to die.

Devon isn't afraid of death, she can't be. With her job, it is inevitable that she'll die whilst on the job. She knew it when she decided this is what she wanted to do, that she wanted to be an officer of the law, that she could die and she was okay with that. She still is. It's not like the blonde has a death wish, but she understands that if it happens, it happens and there is nothing she can do about it.

She'd like to live her life fully tough, experience things she hasn't had the chance to experience yet. Have the chance to fall in love, watch Ellie grow old, maybe even have a family of her own. The woman prefers to die at an old age of course, experience the world for a while longer.

Devon thinks to the familiar android on the large screen. Who was he? Why is he so familiar to her? There was something about the android she couldn't quite place and it was bugging her. She thinks about the speech and his demands. They weren't very outlandish to her, they seemed kinda reasonable. But she was more understanding then others. She sure people like Perkins we're out raged by the requests.

Evelyn comes to her mind, making her sigh heavily. What would Evelyn be doing if she were still alive? Would she be deviant? That was a stupid question. Evelyn became deviant long ago when her father tried to hurt her and Evelyn protected her. She was ordered to move but she didn't, going against her protocol. Knowing how the female android was, Devon wouldn't be surprised if the android was still alive that she'd be fighting for android rights on the front lines. Standing tall for what she believes in. That's always something her mother would teach her.

Always fight for what you believe is right.

"You good?" Devon snaps out of her deep thought and looks over, just now noticing Gavin who was leaned against the wall beside her. "Yeah," She looks away from him, nodding. "I'm good." The male detective purse his lips, crossing his leather clad arms over his chest, obviously not believing her. "That was some shit show on the roof, huh?" He asks and Devon looks down the hall, seeing Hank chatting with Chris. "Yeah, It was." She agrees. The conversation falls silent between the two detectives for a moment before Gavin speaks again.

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