Chapter Seven: Friend

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Chapter Seven: Friend

DATENOV 7TH, 2038TIMEAM 12:57:30

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NOV 7TH, 2038
AM 12:57:30

Pink hues light up the room, the LED walls shining brightly. From across the room, Hank is talking to the owner of the Eden Club, explaining what just happened. On the opposite of the club, Devon was explaining to Ben what happened out there.

"So you found the deviant?"

"Deviants." She corrects him, her back leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. "There were two." The round man slowly nods, noting it down on his tablet. "And what exactly happened?" His eyes shift up to her, peeking at her from over the tablet.

"Connor probed some of the androids memories, followed where they saw the blue haired Traci disappeared. We found her in the warehouse and the other deviant jumped out and attacked. Me and Hank had to fight off the blue haired Traci." She sighs, glancing over to where Connor stood by the door, staring at the wall in front of him.

"What happened next, Devon." Ben urges her on, ready to get her report done and over with so he can actually go home. Her eyes shift away from Connor to the man in front of her. "They got the upper hand and escaped over the fence." She shrugs slightly. It wasn't a total lie. He didn't need to know that Connor had a chance to take them out but he didn't. They all three of them let them escape.

"Okay..."He writes that out. "Which direction did they go?" Devon bites her bottom lip, furrowing her brows. "West." It was the complete opposite direction that they went in. The man nods and write that out and sighs. "That's all I need from you Dev." She nods, tucking some hair behind her ear but winches when she moves her hand too much.

"Need me to send you to get your hand checked out?" Ben asks, eyeing her hand. The woman shakes her head, tucking it into her jacket pocket. "It's only bruised." She shrugs with a small reassuring smile. "I'll be alright, Ben." The plump man nods, adjusts his jacket. "Well, we'll let you know if we find those deviants of yours." He says as he begins walking away. "Yeah thanks..." Her eyes move back to Connor who still stood in his same place.

The android seemed deep in thought, so far away from the world. He was probably thinking about everything that has happened. How he just let go two deviants. Does he regret letting them go?

"Come on, kid." Hank's gruff voice pulls her out of her thoughts as he passes her, nudging her arm slightly. Devon quickly follows after her partner who walks right past Connor to get outside. Connor watch the man leave, still in his place. "Come on, Connor. We're leaving." Devon says softly, offering him a small smile. The android is able to muster up a small smile as well, following her out of the doors.

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