Chapter Nineteen: Freedom

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Chapter Nineteen: Freedom

DATENOV 11TH, 2038TIMEPM 11:55:15

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NOV 11TH, 2038
PM 11:55:15

"At dawn today, November 11th 2038, thousand of androids invaded the city of Detroit." Devon and Hank were sat in her living room, their eyes glued to the TV screen where the president stood giving her speech. Both Ellie and Sumo were laying at their feet, curled up beside each other. They had stopped by Hanks and grabbed Sumo before they'd stopped at Jessica's to get Ellie.

"According to our sources, they originated from CyberLife warehouse believed to have been infiltrated by deviants." Devon smirks at this. It was only one deviant that infiltrated CyberLife tower and he is her friend. "Given their overwhelming numbers and the risk of civilian casualties, I have ordered the army to retreat." Devon's body relaxes at President Warren's statement.

"The evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment. In the coming hours, I will address the Senate to determine our response to this unprecedented situation. I know that public opinion has been moved by the deviants' cause. Perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life." Chills roll down Devon's arms at her words, a smile forming on her lips. Hank smiles, nodding his head slightly, happy with the decision.

"One thing is certain: the events in Detroit have changed the world forever. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America."

Connor stops in front of Markus, his army stopping as well. Markus looked on in awe at all the androids. "You did it, Markus..." A smile forms on the brunette androids face. "We did it." Markus corrects him. "This is a great day for our people." Markus smiles at the thought. "Humans will have no choice now. They'll have to listen to us..." Connor takes a step to the side, allowing the deviant leader to take a look at all of their people.

Evelyn moves forward from her position beside North and Josh, coming to stand by Markus's side, her eyes shining as she looks out at the androids around them. "We're free..." She breaths out, a happy smile on her face. This has been a long time coming for this to happen. The two androids turn their heads, their gazes meeting. Evelyn and Markus face each other, their hands coming together, porcelain white glowing blue when they connect.

"You should speak to them, Markus." Markus places his other hand on her hip, gazing lovingly at her. "We'll do it together." He leans down and captures her lips with his, pulling the red haired android closer to him. Connor stood watching with a content smile on his face. He found himself wishing Devon was by his side right now, he wished they could share this moment together.

Soon, Markus, Evelyn, Josh, North, and Connor were stood on top of a large medal container, over looking the sea of thousands of androids that took their part in this fight for freedom. Snow falls down around them, large spot lights pointed towards them.

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