Chapter Twenty-Three: Runaway

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Runaway


Warning: domestic violence. if you are at all sensitive to this topic please do not read. It doesn't go too much into detail but I don't want any of you getting upset or triggered. I will be putting a warning before the part and after so those of you that need to skip over it can.


AUG 8TH, 2029
PM 4:30:02

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You ever heard the saying, "You can't judge a book by its cover."? Well, it's true that you can't. You can't judge something, someone, or a situation by the way it looks on the outside. You never truly know what's lurking under the surface or what's really happening behind closed doors.

Take these houses for example.

In a secluded neighborhood, there were houses that all looked similar except for maybe a few differences like the color and how the front yards look. They are nice homes, them all being two story homes that are only a few years old. It wasn't the super wealthy side of town but wasn't poor either. Some hard working citizens live here.

They all look alike right? And you would expect them to all have a similar story, correct? Wrong.

You are so very wrong.

In one of these homes, the light that touches it's exterior doesn't reach the inside. Dark shadows creep along the walls, dread pouring from the ceiling. At a long table sits a young woman, her posture rigid. Her hands stay clasped in her lap, head tilted towards the table. Her blonde hair barely reaches her shoulders but it was long enough to cover and shield her face away from the dangers that lurked just a the other end of the table.

She peeks upward, her green eyes gazing at the person across from her. There he sat, a dark shadow that is just surrounded by endless darkness and tournament. The man was of a larger built, his arms muscular and jaw sharp. He took in a deep breath, in hailing the red smoke from the pipe in his hand.

To anyone else that has seen these two on the outside, they would just assume it was just a father and his daughter. A hard working man that strives to provide for his daughter but that's not what this is.

His head tilts back slightly, letting the drugs hug around him like fluffy clouds hug around a plan as it passes through them. The mans eyes open, his emerald green eyes almost completely over taken by his pupils. They fall directly on the woman across from him.

She internally panics, her eyes quickly shifting down to the light wood table again, hoping he didn't see her looking. Praying that he didn't notice.

"The fuck were you looking at?"

A seemingly calm man on the outside is actually a raging beast on the inside.

Her heart falls to her stomach, being eaten away. He noticed. "Devon!" He slams his hands on the table roughly, causing it to shake slightly due to the force. The eighteen year old jumps at the loud noice, her eyes quickly moving to his. "I, I Uh-" She stammers, unable to speak due to the rising fear in her chest, her hands beginning to shake.

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