Chapter Thirty: Good VS. Evil

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Chapter Thirty: Good VS. Evil

DEC  14TH, 2038
PM 11:02:15

The air nips at uncovered flesh like chained up dogs trying to bite at the person just out of reach. A chill runs down her spine, an uneasiness settles into the pit of her stomach. A black bottomless pit named dread begins to form, sucking away anything around it like a black hole in the sky sucking away at all the light.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Raymon Harris had his arms draped over the glass railings, his hazel eyes sparkling with the bright lights from the buildings around. The blonde glances in his direction before she allows her emerald eyes look out at the view. It is a beautiful sight and she wishes she could appreciate it more but that black hole is sucking up any happiness at the moment. She can't feel at ease next to a murder who wants to either kill her or use her, plus, it's not so easy when she knows he has a group of men lingering in the dark corners.

"Yes, it is." An easy smile flashes on red lips. Devon Cassidy is good at playing pretend. Having done undercover jobs before and being a detective, she's learned how to deceive people, trick them. She is damn good at her job.

Goosebumps form on her arms making her wish she had her jacket but thankful that the sleeves on her shirt are a little thick so they block out some of the relentless December air.

"So, I never got your name..." He starts, his eyes looking away from one view to another. Devon Cassidy is a sight to behold with her blonde hair flowing in the wind and her face cased in various colors due to the bright neon signs around them.

"Devon." She tosses her hair over her shoulder casually, looking away from the man. "The names Raymond, Raymond Harris." He holds his large hand out to her and she glances at it for a moment before smiling, placing her hand in his. Devon turns his hand just slightly, taking note that he has scares on his knuckles, some that look new, recent.

His victims were murdered, their faces bashed in with a weapon, the very weapon she holds in her hand. His scares telling a story. A dark, horrible story that was once a nightmare for those that were on the receiving end of his hateful punches and grabby hands.

Anger bubbles in her throat but she manages to push it down and instead let her hand release his, a small, but realistic fake smile resting on her soft features.

"Pleasure to me you, Mr.Harris."

"Oh please, just Raymond." She gives him a nod, looking out at the city, wanting to look anywhere but the monster beside her. Detroit is her home, a beautiful city with a lot of history. She hates that scum like Raymond Harris is walking around, abusing people and using other's trust against them.

It makes her sick.

"What do you do for a living, Devon?" Hunt down monsters like you. "I'm an aspiring journalist." A few honks of horns and sirens are heard in the distance of the night as two people at the opposite end of the spectrum stand side by side. An evil man, a murder that takes lives than a detective, a woman that swore to protect people from the evil that stands beside her.

"A journalist huh? Have any interesting stories you're working on?" He turns so his back is facing away from the city, leaning heavily on the railing. Devon glances over at him, looking over his face a moment. "Yes, there is one actually." She nods her head slightly with a thoughtful look. "It's about a series of murders around Detroit actually." This seems to pique the man's interest.

"Human woman along with android woman are being raped, used for prostitution and being killed by someone." The air stills around them, the wind no longer blowing and it seems like the city has fallen asleep. "Devon, what are you doing?" Connor asks in her ear. He knows she can't answer him but he needs an answer. "I think our girl is trying to get a confession, tincan." Gavin responds, almost sounding proud.

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