Chapter Eighteen: Seeing Double

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Chapter Eighteen: Seeing Double

DATENOV 11TH, 2038TIMEPM 10:46:24

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NOV 11TH, 2038
PM 10:46:24

The white light from the TV screen cast shadows in the dark room as it flickers. Two figures sat on the couch in front of it. One was sat comfortably with their head leaned back against the cushions whilst the other was laying down, a blanket wrapped around their shoulders and sock covered feet plopped into the lap of the other.

"Is this why Gavin calls Connor Robo-Cop?" Hank's gruff voice breaks the silence between the two. Devon glances at the man before her eyes flicker back to the screen. "Yeah, it's pretty uncanny if you think about it." She chuckles softly. "Yeah, even takes place in Detroit." Hank huffs out a chuckle of his own, his hand resting on her ankle. "We should make Connor watch this." He comments and Devon nods in agreement. The woman bites her lip as she looks at the screen, her mind occupied with so many thoughts.

"You think Connor is okay?" The question kinda just tumbles out of her mouth before she could even think. Ever since he left, it has been a constant worry on her mind. He was going to infiltrate the CyberLife tower where there would be so many armed guards. What if they knew he was deviant? They would kill him on the spot. The woman even went so far as sending him a text message from Hank's phone, reminding him to be carful. Devon begins to chew away at her bottom lip, eyes staring at the screen but not really processing what was happening.

"He's pretty smart, Dev. I think he'll be alright." Hank tried to comfort her with his words but he knew it wouldn't help much. She won't relax until she sees the android alive and in person right in front of her.

"Imma grab a drink, you need somthin'?" The old man asks and Devon shakes her head. He nods, patting her leg before pushing her legs off of his lap so he could stand. As Hank is walking towards the kitchen, a knock vibrates the front door. Hank pauses in his steps and Devon glances over the back of the couch at him. "You expecting someone?" Devon shakes her head and he huffs, moving towards the door.

From where she lays she couldn't see past the door as the man yanks it open. "Connor?" She heard Hank asks and she quickly sits up when Connor come barreling past Hank wearing his usual CyberLife issued uniform. "Connor?" Devon ask quickly, standing up and moving to switch the light on.

"The hell you doin' here boy? You're supposed to be at CyberLife." Connor turns towards them. "I need you're help." He says, speaking to both of them and Devon pauses where she is, her eyes narrowed at him. "How the hell are we supposed to help ya?" Connor's eyes shift from Hank to Devon and a uneasy feeling washed over her as she looks back at him. There was about the android.

"I don't have time to explain," He says with a monotone voice, his eyes moving back to Hank. "You two have to come with me." There was something about the way he is speaking made Devon shift on her feet. His voice lacked emotion and it didn't sound like her Connor. Devon glances in the corner of her eye, spotting her pistol on the coffee table where she had discarded when Connor first brought her home after everything with Jericho went down.

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