Chapter One: New Partner

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Chapter One: New Partner

DATENOV 5TH, 2038TIMEPM 10:56:15

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NOV 5TH, 2038
PM 10:56:15

The city of Detroit is busy as usual during the evening. Even though the day was slowly coming to an end that doesn't make the city stop. The tall buildings reaching high for the darkening sky, the lights making the advanced city glow. The big animated billboards display the latest Android, casting a hue of light onto the people that passed under it, on their way to their unknown destinations. Some people just getting off of work, some just making their way to it.

Devon Cassidy was like these people. She had gone to work during the early hours of the morning and an hour ago she was on her way home but getting a call about a new case has her dressing out of her comfy clothes and heading out into the cold November air to make her way back to the station.

"Hi, this is Hank. Not here at the moment. Leave a message if that's what turns you on but don't expect me to call back. Beep...whatever."

Devon huffs out some air and rolls her eyes. "Hey, old man. Just got a call about a case and I'm not sure if you know this or not but you're my partner and this is your job too. Put the alcohol down and call me back." The blonde sighs, placing her phone in her lap. Hank Anderson wasn't an easy person to be partners with, especially if your work ethic was completely different from his.

Devon is a hungry and young detective that still enjoys her job whilst Hank has burned out and lets his life problems dull his fire. She has been partners with Hank for almost four years so she has once seen that drive and fire in him and she also knows why it disappeared.

The woman turns into the parking lot of the precinct, pulling into an empty parking space. She needed to run in a grab her gun then she'd try and give her partner another call before she went on the hunt looking for him.

She climbs out of her car, sticking her phone and keys into the pocket of her long black coat that sits snug over her white long sleeve blouse that's tucked into her grey dress pants before making her way to the front doors of the station. The waiting area was quiet, no one sitting around.

"Back so soon, detective?" The ST300 android behind the front desk, Emily, asks with a small smile. "Yeah, got a new case." Devon gives the android a friendly smile. The waist-high doors open, giving the detective access to the bull pin.

The woman pauses in her tracks when she notices a tall figure standing in front of hers and Hanks desks. There wasn't anyone there and she could tell that there were maybe only three people here based on their terminals being lit up but they were probably else where out of sight.

His back was to her and she could see straight away that he is an android. He wore a two-toned grey suit jacket. 'ANDROID' and 'RK800' glowed white on the back along with a blue triangle and blue trim that matched. She could also see that on his right arm was a band that glows a bright blue.

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