Chapter Thirty-Nine: Photographs

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Photographs

DEC 21, 2038
2:30:04 PM

The last four days have been full of nothing but never-ending work. Detective Cassidy and her two partners had to construct their murder cases entirely around their now known suspect, Logan Cassidy.

Devon practically had to plead with Captain Fowler to keep her on the case once they found out her father was behind the killings. He tried to argue that it was too close to home for the woman but she fought back, trying to prove to him that she was the one that needed to be on this case.

After a lot of convincing not only on her part, but from her partners as well, the captain decided he'd let it slide, but promised that if he ever felt like this became too much, or too personal to the point it affects her work, she would be cut from the case immediately.

Captain Fowler also decided they would need more people working with them to try and help track Logan down, so he assigned Gavin Reed and the RK900 Conrad to their case, and had many working officers out searching for the man that even he can't believe shares the same DNA as his most renowned detective.

It's been a tough four days. Devon had to work through the shock her body and mind were feeling, push through the fog that clouded her mind. She couldn't believe that everything was real, that it was really happening.

Devon believed that she had finally distanced herself from him, that she had finally found happiness and peace in her life. He of course had to find her and try and make her life a living hell once again, but she wasn't the same young girl she was when she ran away.

Devon is stronger now, and surrounded by so many people that love and care for her. She wouldn't go down so easy, and she definitely won't let him repeat the past. Things are going to be different this time, because she is going to make sure of it.

All the days work finally payed off. Devon and her team were alerted by a patrolling officer that he may have found where her father has been hiding out.

Now that leads us here, an abandoned building on the edge of Detroit. The brick walls are cracked, chunks of it missing, the wet concrete floors make the small building echo. The place smells like mildew thanks to the roof that has holes that let in the rain and snow.

Devon Cassidy comes to a stop at the entrance, taking in the scene in front of her. Police were going from room to room, marking anything they thought to be evidence. Most of the building was completely empty except for a long couch and scattered trash on the ground.

To her left was a single room with an arched entrance where it seemed most of the commotion was coming from. Devon makes her way over, being followed by her partners, including the two new additions.

Her eyes widen in horror at the sight of what was inside. The room was set up like a makeshift bedroom. A sad, stained mattress is placed to the side, an old night stand that looks like it's seen better days beside it.

But what caused Devon's heart rate to spike wasn't the sad furniture, but in the choice of decoration.

The large wall across from her was completely covered in photographs. Some were of the victims apart of her case, and others were of her.

"Oh my god..." Hank's voice fades behind Devon as she moves forward, glossy green eyes shifting across all of the photographs. They were either of her alone, or her with someone. There were some of her outside in the precinct parking lot with Hank and Connor. Some were just her alone at her mother's grave. Her eyes stop at one of her and Connor both at her mother's grave, her wrapped in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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