Chapter Twenty: Beginning Of A Normal Life

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Chapter Twenty: Beginning Of A Normal Life

Chapter Twenty: Beginning Of A Normal Life

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NOV 12TH, 2038
AM 7:58:27

The pitter-patter of claws against hardwood made the blonde that was snuggled under her large blanket stir slightly in her sleep. She ignores the sound, dream land far more appealing. Plus, she knew it was probably Ellie just getting up to go eat some of her food or drink her water.

A silence fills the room before chaos breaks out. Before Devon could register what was happening, a heavy weight jumps onto of her and she begins to get attacked by the large beast. Tongue like sword slashing at her face, leaving trails of thick slobber.

"S-Sumo!" Devon is able to squeak between attacks. Her hands push on the Saint Bernards' chest, trying to get a moment without his large kisses but he is relentless, not wanting to stop his affection. The woman can't help but laugh at the adorable, gentle giant of a dog. Ellie can be hyper at times but she isn't very big in comparison to Sumo. Sumo tends to be more of a lazy dog but when it comes to showing his favorite humans love, boy he will stop at nothing until he feels satisfied.

"Where the hell did that dog go?" A gruff voice asks, coming closer to Devon's slightly ajar door. "Hank!" The woman calls for backup, not able to handle the big dog on top of her. Soon, her bedroom door is pushed open more and there stands Hank. His white hair is messier then usual and he was wearing everything except his jacket and shoes from yesterday day. He must have just woken up not too long ago.

"Sumo!" Hank scolds, marching deeper into the bedroom to retrieve his dog. Speaking of retrieve, Devon's golden retriever sits on the edge of the bed, furry tail wagging happily as she watches her friend love her human.

"Come on you big fur ball! I know you love her!" Hank tugs on Sumo's collar a few times, trying to lug the large dog off the bed but he was putting all his weight down. "Do you want a treat?" That was the word that did the trick. Sumo stops and turns his large head to look at his owner. Even Ellie freezes, her ears peeking up at the familiar word.

"Come on," Hank takes a step back. "Lets go get a treat..." It was like opening up the flood gates, both dogs spring up from off the bed and sprint out the room. "Sorry Devon, you know the old boy loves you." The woman chuckles and pushes herself up in a sitting position. "It's fine, I love him too." She pushes the blanket off of her and stands to her feet, stretching out her still sore limbs.

"Did Connor ever call?" The older man asks, picking his phone up from her bedside table. "Yeah, he did. We're supposed to meet him in front of the Chicken Feed at 8:30." Hank nods his head slightly, pocketing his phone into his jeans. "Well, it's almost eight."

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