Chapter Twenty-Five: A New Case

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Chapter Twenty-Five: A New Case

DATEDEC  13TH, 2038TIMEAM 09:15:23

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DEC  13TH, 2038
AM 09:15:23

"Devon..." The blonde stirs slightly in her sleep, nose scrunched up. "Five more minutes..." Her voice is groggy, her eyes shut tight. Devon curls into the warmth beside her, snuggling into it, sighing with content. The surface her head is resting on begins to shake slightly, a velvety chuckle reaching her ears.

"I would let you sleep longer if we didn't have so much work to do." Something glides across her cheek softly, moving a strand of her hair away from her face. Devon finally pries her eyes own, blinking a few times to allow herself to wake up fully. Her bedroom window is the first thing that comes into view, the sunlight trying to escape through the curtain.

Devon lifts her head slightly, her blond locks tumbling over her shoulder messily. She comes face to face with Connor who had a content smile on his face. "Good morning." His brown eyes looking like pure honey in the dewy light, making her heart skip a beat. Memories from last night come flooding back to the female detective all at once. How Connor comforted her and how he pulled her face closer to his until their lips met. She could remember how her heart was beating heavily in her chest and the turns her stomach was taking, how is skin felt so soft against hers.

Blood rushes to her cheeks, her green eyes quickly avoiding Connor's, moving to look at her hand that was resting on his chest, trying desperately to hide what she was feeling.

"Morning Con," A yawn escapes past her lips, her hand moving away from his chest to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "How much work do we have to do exactly?" Devon lifts her eyes to meet his gaze, scared for what is there for them to do today. Connor had an unreadable expression, beginning to make the woman stress about the day that's ahead.


"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me." Devon stares wide-eyed at her and Connor's desks. The pair had just arrived at the station and the sight that was in front of Devon made her want to take her gun and shoot herself in the foot. There are piles of paperwork on both of their desks. The woman could barely even see the surfaces, all the papers scattered all over the place. "I told you it was a lot," Connor says from beside the woman, offering her a cup of coffee that he knew would multiply over the hours. The woman takes it, instantly taking a big gulp, ignoring the slight burning feeling it leaves on her tongue.

"I knew we'd have a lot of paperwork because of all the cases we've taken but Jesus, I didn't know it would be this much!" She gestures towards their desks wildly. Devon turns her eyes towards Fowler's office where the man stood in front of the glass, sending her a smug smile, knowing exactly what he's done. The woman grits her teeth, taking in a deep breath.

"I wanna kill him." Connor chuckles, earning a glare from the woman. "What are you laughing about?" She turns fully towards the android that was still laughing. He clears his throat after a moment, a smile still on his face as he looks into her eyes. "You're cute when you're angry." The complement takes the woman aback, a blush rising to her cheeks yet again. To hide her true feelings, Devon glares at the perfectly handsome android. " not cute." She says through gritted teeth, throwing a punch at Connor's arm but he catches her hand easily.

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