Chapter Fifteen: Ghost From The Past

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Chapter Fifteen: Ghost From The Past

Chapter Fifteen: Ghost From The Past

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NOV, 9TH, 2038
PM 08:45:06

"They're going to attack Jericho..."

Connor's words cause Devon's eyes to widen and for Markus to step forward so he could take a better look at the newly deviated android. "What?" Markus asks in disbelief as he narrows his multi colored eyes at Connor. The sounds of a jet causes the three of them to turn and look where they heard the sound. "We have to get outta here!" Connor says urgently.

"Shit..." Markus runs past them and Connor grabs Devon's hand before he begins to run after Markus as a jet flies over head. Devon isn't an android but she's able to keep up with her android companions, especially with the tugs of Connor's hand that is wrapped tightly around hers. Markus leads them back into the ship and down a set of stairs. They run into another hallway where a woman android appears. Devon remembers seeing an android like her at the Eden Club.

"They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" She's panicked as she looks to her leader. Devon stands closer to Connor and he intertwines their fingers together. Even in moments such as this, his presence gives her comfort. Markus places his fingers to his temple, sending out a message to his people. "They're coming from the upper deck now too. We'll be caught in the crossfire!" Markus looks around. "Where's Josh a-and Evelyn?" Markus stutters, worry bleeding into his voice. The name Evelyn tugs at Devon's heart, reminding her of her Evelyn.

"I don't know, we got separated." The strawberry blonde android shakes her head. She was also worried about their people. "We have to run Markus, there's nothing we can do!" Devon hated that she was even associated with humans at this point. They made humans look bad. They were going to storm into this safe haven and slaughter innocent androids that just want to be free. She knew this was the doing of Perkins. She hopes his nose hurts.

"We have to blow up Jericho." He moves to stand directly in front of the female android. "If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape!" Connor squeezes Devon's hand softly, detecting that her stress levels were beginning to rise at the thought. "You'll never make it!" Her voice was filled with desperation, not wanting him to put himself in that kind of danger. "The explosives are all the way down in the hold, there are soldiers everywhere!"

"She's right," Connor speaks, his eyes on Markus. "They know who you are. They'll do anything to get you!" It was true. It be like a prize if they found Markus. Perkins would probably take his head as a trophy and mount it over his fireplace. "I'll do it." Devon's eyes widen as Connor lets go of her hand. "What? Connor, no." She shakes her head, her fingers gripping the fabric of his jacket. His eyes fall onto Devon's desperate eyes that are pleading with him not to go.

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