Ending Of Part One/ Disscussion

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You have reached the end of part one! But don't worry, part two will be coming very soon.

Oh my goodness I can't believe part one is finally over and part two is on its way! I can't wait for you guys to see what's going to be coming next, I am currently working on part two as we speak.

So, what can you expect to see in part two? Well, you will definitely see Connor and Devon take steps further to explore their feelings towards each other. I know it has been a slow burn kind of relationship and I have wrote a kissing scene so many times in previous chapters that I've ended up deleting and
replacing it because it didn't feel like the right moment. I wanted them both to learn how to be friends and then learn how they feel before acting out on their emotions.

But don't worry, the right moment is coming soon 😉

No for real, it's coming super soon I PROMISE!

You will also learn more about Devon's past and her relationships with other characters like Gavin, Chris, her uncle Kamski and more. There will even be flash back chapters included that is dedicated to a moment in her past that is important to the story so you, the reader, can understand where Devon comes from and what she has gone through.

DRAMA! Oh lord there will be soooo much drama. The plot thickens and our favs will be dealing with so much shit. Some good, some bad. *shrugs*

I want to know what you guys think of the story so far. What do you want to happen in part two? What kind of plot twist or drama would you like to see? Who's your fav? Let me know! I love hearing from you guys.

I know I left you guys kinda on a big cliffhanger, so...let's talk about it.

Who was the person watching them from a distance and why was their creep ass taking pictures of them? Interesting....very interesting indeed....

Have any guesses as to who it is?

I also want to say I am very thankful for all the support I have received on this story. DBH has been a game that been very close to my heart ever since I played the demo with out beautiful android sent by CyberLife. I finally decided I wanted to write a story 3 years later because I came up with Devon and I though she'd be an interesting character.

I know a lot of these stories have a female detective that falls in love with the android but I wanted to give Devon more depth then that, make her more then just another detective, I wanted to make this story so much more then just another Connor fanfic. I'm excited for you guys to see part two because it will be more of an original plot and I hope I can give some justice to some other characters like Gavin.

I have so many ideas and I have a feeling you guys will love it.

But here is a little summary of part two:


Taking place a month after the android revolution, Detroit, along with the world undergo some changes. Androids are allowed to live freely just like they have hoped, but things still aren't so great. Violence against androids have skyrocketed, that anger and hatred towards them still present.

Hank, Devon, and Connor still work close together and now they will be investigating the murders of androids. In the mean time, Connor learns what it's like to be free and what it takes to be human, Hank tries to find his meaning in life and clean up his act, and Devon is confronted by the past.

How will they adapt to the constant changes and will they be able to get through the troubles that are coming their way?


Here is a little sneak peek of the first chapter of part two:


A gun shot rings out through the air, the sound deafening to her ears. She whips her head around, her ponytail swaying aggressively, whipping against her cheek.

Connor's white shirt is stained blue and she can see some sparking from the wiring underneath his plastic interior.



Did you think I'd give you more then that? *evil laughter* Sorry, but you only get that little taste, I hope you guys are excited! Or scared...you're probably a little scared...

I know you're probably wondering when part two will be released and I'd say give me a month from now and I'll probably be able to get part two posted. Hell, maybe even less then a month depending how I'm doing on getting chapters finished.

So in the mean time, if you'd like to stay in touch with me, feel free to message me on here anytime or follow me on my Instagram @ 30stg

There I make edits and you will be able to get your Connor fill on there if your interested.

Again, thank you all so much for the support and Humanity will be back soon!

Love you!

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