Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dead Ends

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dead Ends

DATEDEC  14TH, 2038TIMEAM 10:30:04

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DEC 14TH, 2038
AM 10:30:04

"Ugh, I can't believe you didn't let me finish my coffee." A gruff voice complained but it was ignored as the person they were complaining to looked around them. The old car the small group came in was parkedd by the curb and the morning commute was passing by.

This was the more run-down part of Detroit, the part that couldn't catch up with the fast pasted technology-driven community. A lot of shady characters and poor souls lived around this area. This area was known for its high crime rates, drugs, prostitution, murders, just about everything under the sun happens here.

"This is were our victim worked. We have nothing else to go on so this is our best shot." The blonde sitting in the passengers seat speaks up, her green eyes peering out of the window to gaze out at the building in front of them. It was one of the busier places here, a local homeless shelter. Now realizing where this place is located, her victim could have had a bad run in with one of these shady characters.

"I couldn't have finished my coffee?" Devon turns her head, glaring at the older man who raises his hands in surrender when he seen the death glare that was set on him. "Alright, alright, geez." A snicker is heard from the back seat and Hank glances at the rearview mirror to see Connor placing a hand over his mouth, trying to hide his amused grin. Hank rolls his eyes at the android and glances back at the woman beside him.

"Well, let's get this over with." The white haired man sighs heavily before pushing open his door that creeks. Devon and Connor follow suit, opening their doors and stepping out of the comforts of Hank's car. The trio moves toward the entrance of the building, moving past a few people walking on the side walks.

"Hey baby! Got some time for us?" Devon glances over her shoulder, seeing three men together, them being all wondering eyes and dirty thoughts. Connor's once round eyes turns to slits, his LED switching from a tranquil blue to a raging red. Hank just shakes his head and sighs, mumbling under his breath something about it being to early in the morning for this.

The blonde places a hand on her hip and scoots her jacket to the side to reveal the loaded holster and shiny badge on her hip. Their eyes widen at the sight. "What were you saying?" Devon asks sweetly and the three men begin pushing each other down the sidewalk, trying to leave the area as quickly as possible.

A triumphant smirk forms on the woman's face as she watches them scramble away. Her eyes move away from their retreating figures to look at the tall figure next to her and her smile falls slightly. Connor's jaw was shut tightly, looking like he was going to break it with the force he had. His hands were balled into fists at his sides but the one thing that stood out the most was the bright red light on his temple.

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