Chapter Eight: Personal

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Chapter Eight: Personal

DATENOV 7TH, 2038TIMEAM 1:56:10

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NOV 7TH, 2038
AM 1:56:10

It was almost two in the morning when Devon and Connor reach her home. The android takes note of the appearance of the house. It was about the same size as Hank's, the paneling a faded white. The front door was a dark wood color and he could see that there used to be some kind of flower bed beside the concrete stairs but it was now cover in snow. It was a humble home, big enough for the detective.

The house looked dark on the inside for the most part except for a dim light that shined though the curtains. The pair walks to the door and the detective places her keys inside the lock and walks in with Connor behind her. On the couch lays Jessica with Ellie on top of her, the light from the TV shining on them. Jessica turns her head to look at who just enters and a smile forms on her face. Ellie's ears perk up and she quickly gets off the couch, her butt wagging excitedly as she runs to her owner.

Devon laughs a hearty laugh as the dog stands on her hind legs to greet the woman. "Hey honey." She smiles, placing a kiss on the dogs nose. Ellie gets down and her attention turns to the new person in the room. Connor kneels down so he's eye level with the Golden retriever. He offers her his hand and he smiles. "Hello, Ellie." His tone was soft and Ellie's tail begins to wag as she sniffs the hand he offers. The dog jumps forward and tackles Connor to the ground, pinning him underneath her. She begins to lick his face and he turns it to the side so she was only getting his cheek. He laughs, and it was a laugh Devon's never heard come from Connor before. It was real and it was beautiful.

Jessica and Devon stood side by side, smiles on their faces as they watch the interaction. "I'm glad you're safe, detective." Jessica says, looking up at Devon. The woman smiles and wraps her arm around the girls shoulder, hugging her to her side. "Sorry I took so long, the case has some unexpected occurrences happen." Jessica shrugs, watching as Connor gets Ellie off of him and stands to his feet, dusting off the dog hair that was on him. "I stay up at this time anyway." Jessica shrugs. Connor adjust his tie and looks to the two people in front of him.

"Who's your friend?" Jessica asks, eyeing the android in front of them. "Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I assist Detective Cassidy and Lieutenant Anderson in their cases." Jessica slowly nods and offers her hand out to him. "Well, I am Jessica Quin, Devon's neighbor." Connor shakes her hand, a smile on his face. "Well, I should probably get home." She sighs, yawning slightly. "You sure you don't want to stay here?" Devon asks, watching the girl gather her things. "I'm good, I told Wilson I'd come home and watch a movie with him." Devon smiles softly. "I'll walk you over."

"I can do it." Connor offers, causing them to look at him. "Are you sure?" Connor nods, looking between them. "Of course. You need to put some ice on your hand anyways." Jessica turns to Devon, looking for any injuries. "You got hurt?" She was slightly worried. "I'm fine, Jess. Punching hard plastic seems to hurt." She jokes, wiggling her fingers. Jessica shakes her head at the woman. "Goodnight, Devon." She pats the woman on the shoulder before following Connor to the door. They both leave and Devon sighs.

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