Chapter Fourteen: Journey To Jericho

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Chapter Fourteen: Journey To Jericho

Chapter Fourteen: Journey To Jericho

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NOV 9TH, 2038
PM 07:35:34

The city of Detroit is in an uproar. After Markus's protest this afternoon, an order has been sent out to confiscate all androids from peoples homes. There were riots around the city and protest for both android sympathizers and people who wanted them destroyed. The city was split, two clear sides standing their ground in their fight.

Devon has never seen anything like this before. A whole city going crazy over the very machines they took part in creating and using. She hasn't had a chance to watch the news but she could only assume that places all over the world that have androids were also on edge because of the events that are happening currently in Detroit.

Once the female detective finally makes it to her home she quickly unlocks her front door and pushes it open. She kicks her snow covered boots onto the mat outside the door, before shielding herself in her warm home from the frigid cold. The woman pauses when she spots a figure sitting on her couch who turns to look at who just entered. Jessica's tear stained meets Devon's gaze.

"Jess?" The woman was stunned when the little girl quickly gets up from the couch where she sat with Ellie and rushes for the detective, wrapping her arms around her waist. The girl begins to sob into her chest and Devon is quick to wrap her arms around the girl, holding close. "Hey," The blondes voice is calm and soft as she speaks. "What's wrong, Jess?" Devon smooths down some of the girls hair, trying to calm her down as best as she could. "Wilson..." Jessica sniffs, still clutching onto Devon.

"We heard that they wanted to take androids away so he had to run away." She cries and Devon can feel her heart clutch in her chest from hear the little girls cries. "He had to go to Jericho so he could be safe." Jessica's hands stay clutching Devon's jacket as her head lifts, tear filled eyes looking up at the woman that had been nothing but kind to her ever since she moved in next door. "I...I'm going to miss him and I'm so worried, Devon. I...I can't talk to my parents or anyone else about this I j-just needed someone to talk to and I know I can t-talk to you." She speaks between sobs and Devon wraps her arms tighter around her small frame, placing her chin on top of her dark hair.

"Hey," Devon moves Jessica back, her hands resting on top of her shoulders so she could look at her. Jessica's cheeks are red with fresh tear stains. Her bright eyes are glossy with tears and it breaks the detective's heart as she looks at the little girl in front of her. She's worried about her android because she loves him. Cares about him. Has deemed him as family. Devon couldn't help but empathize with her.

"Wilson is going to be okay." Jessica blinks, a rouge tear slipping down her cheek. "How can you be so sure?" Devon presses her lips together in thought as her green eyes filtered over the girls features. How could she be so sure? Sure, she couldn't predict the future or guarantee the safety of an android in a city ready to destroy them. "Because I believe he's smart and he'll find his way to Jericho." She swipes her thumb over where the tear has fallen, brushing them away.

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