Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Tooth

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Tooth

DEC 13TH, 2038
PM 10:45:15

The Detroit Police Department office area was a lot quieter this time of night. No constant ringing phones, rustling of papers, chatting voices, or Gavin's and Conrad's continuous bouts of arguments. The lights are dimmed and the room is quiet other then the slight sound of Devon and Connor working.

Hank has left hours ago but the two partners decided to stay back and finish up all their paperwork. Connor ended up taking half of Devon's stack since he could go though it faster. The blonde was hunched over her desk, tired green eyes staring at her terminal. Her eyes feel strained for staring at the screen for so long.

Devon has complete forgotten about the papers that are on her desk and is more focused on their new case. The woman stares at the pictures that were taken of their victim, trying to make sense of what happened. She hated that she didn't have more leads or a possible suspect. It was all still up in the air about who did it and why.

The woman sighs, running a hand over her face. The brunette that sits across from her glances over at the woman, noticing that she was beginning to feel stressed. A few hours ago he cut her off of coffee, saying having ten cups is not healthy and her candy drawer is empty so she doesn't have anything sweet to keep her going. The LED on the side of his head blink a few times and Connor sighs. The android pushes himself away from his own desk and stand to his feet. He walks around to Devon's desk and leans against it right beside her.

The woman's eyes peels away from her terminal to look up at the tall android. "I think it's time we head home." Connor suggested, seeing how burnt out the detective is. "We still have so much work to do and we have exactly zero leads on this case." The woman motions to the screen where Connor turns his head slightly, his brown eyes taking in the information. On her screen was their victim, Jacki. She's sprawled out on her living room floor, blue blood seeping from her head.

"Staring at crime scene photos won't help us solve this case, Devon." The woman scoffs. "We don't know unless we try." Connor sighs and kneels down beside the woman so he could get as close to eye level with her as possible. Devon's eyes follow the android that was knelt beside her chair. "I know you want to solve this case, so do I." Connor places a hand on his chest for emphasis. "But staying up late and walking into dead ends won't help us." The android place his hand gently on her arm.

"Lets go home, make you something to eat, get some rest and then tomorrow morning we can head out to the homeless shelters Jacki worked at and try to get more information, okay?" Devon eyes the android in front of her, nibbling on her bottom lip. She knows he is right. Staring at her terminal screen all night isn't going to get this case solved.

The blonde lets out a defeated sigh signaling to Connor that he's won. "What are you going to make me?" She raises an eyebrow at him with a sly smile on her lips. Connor has picked up cooking since his deviancy and has decided he quite enjoys it even though he can't eat himself. He can of course now taste the food but he doesn't need to eat in order to survive like humans do. The occasional bottle of
Thirium is enough for him. He likes being able to make a meal for his partner and enjoys seeing her reactions to his different creations.

"Anything you want." He smiles up at her, squeezing her arm slightly.


Devon turns in her chair slightly so she was facing the crouched android, her finger stroking her chin, acting like she was pondering something. "Hmmm..." She drags out, looking off into the distance. "Anything I want?" She asks, her eyes meeting Connor's amused gaze.

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