Unforgivable Curses

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I am happy to be back on the train towards Hogwarts, to be honest, I missed the library over the summer. The smell of old books is the best smell in the world. While I am reading the Daily Prophet and scratching Crookshanks head, Harry and Ron are eating candy from the trolley.

Through the window I can already see the school and a bubbly feeling fills my stomach. I am already changed in my robes, the first one of us three to get ready, as always.

Walking through the halls feels like coming home. I feel the excitement from all the students buzzing in the air.

The Headmaster is starting his speech for the opening of the year, just as Filch is running in. Please don't let there be another troll lose. They whisper for about a minute and Filch is running back.

I am almost too distracted to hear what is going to happen. A TriWizard Tournament? New students join us for the whole year? That is amazing!

"Please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime," the headmaster announces.

The door opens up and girls wearing blue outfits with matching hats walk out. As they walk past, all boys are looking at them. I shake my head and look through the hall, is every boy under their spell? It appears that not every boy is fascinated with them, just as not every girl is looking around. As I let my eyes wander through the hall I stop when I am staring into piercing gray eyes. Draco Malfoy is staring at me. Why isn't he staring at the girls? Ron is almost drooling as he watches the butterflies erupt from them. Maybe, Malfoy is not into girls. That could be a possibility. We never talked about anything close to that.

I feel a blush spreading and look down at my plate. Did I just figure out a secret nobody knows about, or is it something different?

As they are sitting at their table a lot of people are cheering for them. Beauxbatons, that is French. Could it be that some of the girls are Veela, or a part of it? They also were present at the World Cup.

"Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff," the headmaster continues.

I turn to see men with sticks walking through the doors. They start showing and again I look around the hall. Why is he looking at me again? Or still? I quickly move on and watch the new students.

"Blimey, it is him! Viktor Krum," Ron says, shocked as the Quidditch player walks by.

If Ron wasn't drooling by the Beauxbatons, he sure is now. I don't see what is so special about him, but Ginny sure does. He is a bit old for her, but maybe it is because he plays Quidditch at such a high level.

After all the new students get seated the food appears and the hall is filled with the scent of amazing food. Everyone digs in, it is just as delicious as I remember. Dinner is filled with stories about the summer and we ignore the bad events that happened just a day before.

Just before we all start on our deserts, the doors open again and a group of people are carrying a huge monument. Why don't they just use magic to levitate it? The Headmaster walks up to it and casts an amplifier on his voice. Everybody quiets down.

"Your attention, please!" he starts off. "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason the ministry seems fit to change a few rules, to explain these rules more we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartimeus Crouch."

A man walks up to the Headmaster. Before the man can even start the ceiling starts going crazy. The sounds of thunder verberate on the walls. Some students are ducking under the table in case it is going to hit them or something.

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