The Order of the Phoenix

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I don't even remember how I got back to the dorms last night. The only thing I know for sure is that I put myself in a very difficult spot, I have to lie to everyone around me. I can't trust anybody anymore. Why did I have to make my life even more difficult than it already was? Just surviving a war was not enough, no, I choose to work for both sides.

It's early, Lavender and Parvati are still sleeping, but I can't stay a second longer. I slip out of bed and quickly get changed, and leave the dorm. The common room is silent but a fire is still burning, I enjoy the crackling sounds of it for a moment.

What should I do? I can send my parents a letter but what if they follow the owl and find out where my parents live? I can't take that risk. Luckily I took the spell book with me and decide to sit in my favourite chair. My wand is in my hair, holding it all together, but I don't need it right away.

I hold out my hand and point it to a crumpled up piece of parchment. Accio parchment. I think and focus on the tingling feeling in my finger tips. I'm getting better with the wandless magic, but I am now trying to do it wordlessly.

The parchment doesn't even move, but as soon as I focus again and whisper the spell out loud, it floats to my hand. I practice for about an hour, before I can hear people walking around in the dorms above. Quickly I slip out of the common room and walk towards the Great Hall. I love a good breakfast with a book, in silence.

As I walk in, the room is empty and I sigh in relief. I take my normal seat at the Gryffindor table, almost in the middle. Normally my friends would sit all around me and talk about small things while we all eat breakfast, but today I am too hungry to wait. This way nobody sees that I eat a lot more than I normally would.

I open the book and sip from a cup of coffee as I read. A sound pulls me out of my concentration and I find Fawkes sitting next to me. I jump up from the surprise and quickly look around the room to see if anyone has entered, but I am still alone. Fawkes has a letter clamped in his beak. Carefully I stretch out my hand and take the letter, he lets go and waits. The Phoenix has never been so close to me and I can't hold myself in. I scratch him on top of his head and can feel that he is pressing himself harder to me. We look at each other and he kind of nods towards the letter, I stop scratching him and open it.

Meet me at 19.00 sharp. Password: Sherbert Lemon

~ AD

As I look up at Fawkes he stretches his wings and flies away. The letter in my hand burns and I let it fall towards the ground. It doesn't even leave ashes in its wake.

I frown and return to my book, noticing that I am still alone, I decide to test my wandless magic. With subtle movements of my hand I float bread to my plate, add jam and levitate to my mouth. I let it float next to my head and bite from it when I want, while I keep reading my book. After the first one, I repeat it with a second and a third, switching around the flavours of jam.

It takes a long time before anyone enters the Great Hall, I am surprised to see Professor Snape taking his seat at the front table. He watches me and I let the items around me float back to the table. I was trying to find out how many items I can levitate and use around me, he just entered so silently that I noticed too late.

I focus back on just reading the book and keeping my hands still. The hall is filling with more students and the peace and quiet is gone. It's difficult to focus on the book, but I keep trying until Harry and Ron join the table.

"Bloody hell, Hermione," begins Ron. "Where have you been?"

"We haven't seen you since last night," adds Harry.

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