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Disclaimer: TW: age gap

I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but imagine that you are Hermione and your whole world has turned upside down. You are not in control anymore over anything you want to do, but then you get offered a bit of control. A choice she can take of decline. Everything is mutual and willing.

It has been a week, I finished the detention and it wasn't that bad. I got to zone out and prepare multiple potions and check the inventory. The most difficult thing was not stealing ingredients. I'm still not speaking to my Father, he believes the best thing to do is keep distance from Draco but it is not that simple. He doesn't know how it feels to be bonded like us, it is a constant pulling and aching.

But I do keep my distance, choosing to spend more time with Blaise. We have the same classes and he is easy to be around. We finish our homework early and prepare for the following day. In the nights we sneak outside to walk around, switching between our human and animal forms.

It is easy to avoid the unpleasant conversations with him, we talk about everything and anything, as long it doesn't involve war, dark magic, the Dark Lord or torture.

"So what do you want to do today?" Blaise is laying with his head in my lap. It is Saturday and most people are visiting Hogsmeade, but we stayed behind. I am leaning against a tree, reading a book.

I look down at him. "This," I shake my book.

"Really, just reading?" he asks skeptically.

I nod and return to the page I was reading.

"What can I do while you read?" he pouts.

I shrug.

"Hermioneeeeeee," he begs.

I close my book, tucking in the green leather bookmark. "What do you want, Blaise."

"I don't know, something fun," he pushes his bottom lip forward, along with puppy eyes. "Can we fly?"

I scrunch my nose. "I don't like flying," I look down at him and sigh, once again. "Okay, let's go."

He jumps up. "Are you serious?" he laughs, bouncing on his feet.

I hold out my hand for him to pull me to my feet. "I only want to change my clothes," looking down at my skirt.

He pulls me along and I get excited from his enthusiasm. I pull on a set of leggings and a matching long sleeved shirt. We grab two brooms from the shed. He kicks off and speeds into the sky, circling around the Quidditch ring.

"Fuck it," I breathe and take off.

The broom is very responsive and I really need to get used to it. My hands are freezing right away and I am gripping the handle with all my might.

"You are amazing!" Blaise calls out and flies next to me. "Hermione, the brightest witch of the world and a daredevil."

I snort and adjust my posture, matching his. He is only holding the handle with one hand, sitting right up and even leaning back, his heels tucked back.

"Relax, peaches, you are doing amazing. If we are lucky we will see the Slytherin tryouts for Quidditch later today."

"Is Draco trying out?" I can't keep from asking.

He shakes his head. "Neither is Theo, I think we all have different priorities this year."

I don't even respond to him, once again avoiding the truth of our lives. We spent over an hour in the air and I am enjoying myself. He teaches me little tricks and really helps me get comfortable. I feel frozen when we step off and put back the brooms, but also very refreshed.

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