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Weeks fly by and I focus on my schoolwork. Before I know it I am watching as Harry finishes his second task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Headmaster warned me the day before the task that they won't use me, even if it was the original plan. They wanted to use me for Viktor to save, but seeing that I am a very important student they diverted from their plan and used a girl he was seen talking to a few days prior.

Harry had to be Harry and rescued two people, it is not like they would let the little sister of Fleur die, but he is a Gryffindor. The party in Gryffindor Tower is loud and busy, the moment I see the opportunity to escape I take it.

For hours I keep wandering in the hallways, until a big black owl swoops down to me and lands on my shoulder. I keep walking around and reading Sirius' letter.

Over the last couple of weeks he has been giving me information on how to duplicate the map and his thoughts on trying to find a spell to deceive the map.

I recreated the map and linked it to the original version. I tried several spells to make myself undetectable, but nothing worked, yet. Maybe I need to create a spell, but I don't know anything about that, so I would need to research that or ask a Professor I kind of trust.

My godson has written to me and wants to meet this weekend. It would be nice to see you too, maybe we can exchange a book?

I re-read the sentence multiple times. How could I have forgotten that he is Harry's godfather? But Harry has never gotten a letter from Achilles, I would recognise it or Harry would have asked about my letters if they were delivered by the same owl.

"Do you only fly to me?" I ask the owl softly.

He hoots and nuzzles in my hair.

"Such a good boy," I murmur and scratch his head. "So smart."

Exchange a book? Maybe he has found something that I can use on the map?

I conjure a piece of parchment, quill and ink, and start writing my reply.

Dear Padfoot,

I would love to exchange a book, I might want to take a trip to Flourish and Blotts. Should we meet each other in the alley beside it?

School is going good, things have calmed down a bit. The ginger cat scratches me sometimes, but it is nothing I can't handle. Funny you should ask about the ferret, he is keeping his distance from me and I don't know what I think about that.

I mean, we still see each other, but it is less frequent. We always need to be careful, it feels like he is withdrawing from me. I don't know if I did something wrong. Maybe it is because I am focussing on the upcoming exams or just the excitement around the Triwizard Tournament.



Over the past week the only one I could really talk to was Sirius, maybe that is why we changed our ending of the letters and why I don't think of him as Harry's Godfather. He feels like a friend.

I tie the letter to Achilles and walk to the courtyard, as if the owl knows my need for company, he keeps sitting on my shoulder with his body pushed against my head. Every time I noticed Achilles sitting somewhere I would check the surroundings and call him over to me.

In the beginning Harry and Ron bombarded me with questions about the letters and the owl. I kept repeating my lie about another student that the Headmaster wanted me to talk to. After telling Sirius about their questions he started sending Achilles out late and only came to me when I was alone.

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