Summertime Sadness

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With just two words she created a pain that overrides everything that hurts on my body. I don't feel the pain radiating from my back as I move, smothering my face in my pillow and screaming.

It is so much worse, it is a soul crushing, mind shattering feeling. It rips through my body as all kinds of memories flash by.

I can't breathe. I can't. After a few minutes to gather myself, bite through the pain slashing through my body as I crawl off the bed. It takes over half an hour to be able to sit and pull up my jeans. I transfigure a towel into a very loose blouse and slip it on. My skin is on fire and it gets worse on the spots the soft material touches it. I bite through it, knowing that I need to leave.

My trunk is at the end of the bed, probably sent over from Hogwarts when I didn't return. I can't bring it with me, but I find my school bag inside. With a small charm I change it to a small round and beaded bag, so I can easily carry it.

I open the door and look both ways before stepping out, it is empty and dark. After another deep breath I walk towards the foyer.

"Accio Floo Powder," I demand and hold out my trembling hand as every movement creates excruciating pain.

"What are you doing," Narcissa asks and I whip around, with the jar of Floo Powder in my hand.

"Leaving," I tell her, glad that I dried my tears and applied a cooling charm on my face before stepping out of that room.

She frowns and looks at me, her head cocked slightly to the side. Draco might look like this father, but his behavior is just like her.

"You know," she states.

"It is fine. I'm leaving," I feel my throat closing up and really need to get away from this place.

Instead of using my words, I decide to turn around, throw in the powder and set the jar on top of the fireplace.

"Hermione, please, we didn't have a choice. You must know that, we want you as his..." before she can finish her sentence I interrupt.

"NO!" my lip is trembling as I face her. "Don't lie to me," I tell her before turning my back towards her and stepping in the fire as I call out. "Spinner's End."

The flames lick on my legs as they turn to green and suck me away. During the seconds it takes to transport me, my throat starts closing up and I feel the panic, pain, anger and sorrow thunder through my body.

I fall out of the fireplace, letting my knees hit the wooden floor. The need to scream is overwhelming me, the need to let go of my control, the overwhelming urge to tear everything down and make it look like how I feel on the inside, but nothing comes out. I just sit there in silence, clutching my stomach, bending over, with my mouth open and tears streaming down my face.

"Hermione!" Severus let's out, sitting in front of me and slowly lifting my face. "What is wrong?"

"I...he...," I cry harder, choking on my words, his face is blurred by the tears. "I...I..." I try again as the frustration is growing that I am such a mess.

Something is rattling in the room and soon more similar sounds start. "Accio," he calls out. "I'm going to help, don't worry." He tips my head back and gives me a potion.

I recognise it right away, it is the one I made. The warmth spreads quickly, dulling the pain on my back and heart ache. He lays his hand on my shoulder and we are pulled away, black smoke surrounding us.

Even before we hit the ground I can smell the earth and trees. I let my hands claw at the ground, I want to transform, to let the wolf take over and run, hunt or do anything to keep my mind from the truth.

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