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"Sirius?" I ask hopefully.

He turns around with a look of confusion but is quickly replaced with a wide smile. "Hermione!" he shouts and opens his arms as he walks towards me.

I throw myself at him. "It is so good to see you!" I beam up at him with my arms around his waist.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, confused to see me here.

The Floo comes alive and Professor Snape steps out and frowns immediately when he sees us, but before he can say something the Headmaster steps out.

"Good to see you, Sirius," he says and Sirius nods while he keeps holding me.

"You figured it out, didn't you? Are Harry and Ron coming?" Sirius asks me with a twinkle in his eyes.

I let go of him as if I got burned. "Not exactly," I mumble and step to the side of the Headmaster, avoiding everyone's gaze.

"We are a bit late, let's get started and everything will be explained," the Headmaster says and walks towards the kitchen.

I hear the surprised gasps as people see me, with a quick glance around the room I recognise a few people. Arthur and Molly Weasley of course and Professor Lupin, also a few people from the ministry.

"Everyone take a seat and I will explain," the Headmaster orders and I take a seat and Sirius and Professor Lupin sit on either side of me.

Everyone is quiet and waits for the Headmaster to start.

"As you all see, Hermione has joined us," he begins.

All eyes turn to me and I wave very awkwardly, feeling like a child between all these grown ups.

"She got herself in a bit of a difficult spot and we think this is the best place for her to be," he explains cryptically.

The eyes never leave me and a wave of irritation floods me.

"It is not like I did it on purpose. I mean, we weren't meant to get caught," I note irritably.

"Maybe it is better if you explained," the Headmaster offers.

"I don't know where to begin, guess, the beginning of this year," I begin. "It started with just talking evolved to more... and with the Christmas holiday he got a letter that his parents would be in France... So it looked like a great idea to go to the manor and have a few days to ourselves...without the know..." I stutter and look up from my hands and notice all the blank stares at me.

Everybody is looking confused, I really should use some of that Gryffindor bravery and tell how it is. No need to keep them confused, this is not a group of children. After a deep breath I begin. Keep it short and simple.

"Oh fuck it, I'm shagging Draco Malfoy. His parents left for France, we went to Malfoy Manor for a few days without sneaking around and just being together. They returned early and they noticed that someone was with him. I actually don't know why they went to his room, but they grabbed me and tortured me for two weeks. Somebody helped me in the end and told me to surrender to the Dark Lord and eventually I did. So he added me to his ranks and is training me," I rush the words out of my mouth.

The blank faces morph into disbelief.

"My cousin?" Sirius asks with his mouth wide open.

"Yes, terribly handsome, tall, skinny, pale, blond, liquid silver eyes and Seeker on Slytherin. That one," I reply and feel myself blush.

"What about Ron?" Molly asks.

"Eh...What about him? He and Harry don't know, we kept it a secret, but he is angry at me, but that is not really related," I try to explain.

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