Becoming a Snake

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"Wake up, cupcake,"

I frown, confused by the voice. My arm is laying across a hard stomach, my cheek on a shoulder and my nose nuzzled in the crook of a neck. I open my eyes a little and am confronted with pale blond locks.

"Wakey, wakey," the voice teases again.

I swirl around with my elbow ready as the person who the voice belongs to touches my side. My elbow connects with his nose as I hiss. "Don't touch me."

"Fuck! Shit! Hermione!" Theo grunts.

Draco shoots up in the bed. "What the fuck?"

I jump out of bed. "Oh my god, I am so sorry Theo!" I grab my wand from under the pillow and immediately point it at his bleeding nose. "I didn't recognize your voice and you touched me."

His eyes are tearing up as he looks at me while he is down on his knees. "Didn't expect this reaction." His hands and chin are covered in blood. "Episkey," I murmur and hear the snapping of his nose going back into place. I quickly clean him up. "Again I am so, so, sorry Theo."

"My fault, should not have tried to touch you," he rubs over his nose. "You have a mean right hook."

"Why did you try to wake her up?" Draco asks.

"You guys are running late for breakfast and I thought it wasn't smart to shout. Last time I tried to wake you, I couldn't sit for a full day, because you hexed my bollocks. This time I tried a soft approach, but it didn't work," he laughs and sniffs.

"Next time make sure you are not in striking distance," Draco smirks and gets out of bed.

I am blessed with the view of Draco in only his boxer briefs. "Happy to see me?" I laugh.

He looks down at the tent in his boxers and smirks up at me. "Always."

"See you guys downstairs," Theo shouts and quickly turns around, but I can see the red tips of his ears.

I get out of bed and drop the shorts I decided to wear.

"Do you need breakfast?" Draco asks with a mischievous smile.

"No, we can just take an apple on our way to potions."

"That's a good girl," he tells me as he walks over to me.

I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around his middle. My arms around his neck so I can pull on his hair, just how he likes it. He growls and let's us fall on the bed, grinding against me.

"How do you want me, baby?" He whispers in my ear.

"Hard...Fast...Deep," I moan, already panting for him.

He bites my favourite spot on my neck, making me moan hard.

"Please, Draco...Fuck me...Please," I beg him.

While he keeps kissing and licking my neck his hand slides my knickers to the side and his boxer briefs down. I throw my head back at the feeling of his cock dragging through my wet slit. With a wandless whisper I perform the contraceptive charm and feel the heat spread through my belly. The second the charm is in place, Draco slams in me. He gathers both my wrists in one of his hands and holds them above my head.

"Such a good girl. So wet for me. Are you going to come on my cock for me, baby?" he coaxes.

His one free hand moves between us, slowly drawing circles around my clit. I choke on my moans and can't look straight anymore. The combination of the slow fingers and his hard pounding is mindblowing. I start to tighten around his cock and my eyes fall closed with the intense pleasure.

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