Oh no

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I prefer detention with Slughorn. McGonagall humiliates me in front of the whole school by calling me to the front of the Great Hall and explaining what I will be doing for the next couple of hours. Filch shoves a mop in my hand, drops a bucket filled with water on the ground, splashing my feet.

"Watch it," I snap, using a drying charm on my boots.

He just laughs. "I will."

I only glare and bite my tongue to keep myself from creating more problems.

"Messing with someone's spell is unacceptable," McGonagall starts off. "You will not use any magic while you clean the Great Hall for the next week. I want it spotless," she demands.

It is useless to disagree with her, she won't change her mind anyway. She dismisses the students and everyone is chatting and laughing as they walk away from the tables. Some looking back over their shoulder to see me wait, silently fuming. The tables are cleared by the magic of the house elves, but there is still a huge mess on the ground, food and mud.

"You better get started if you want to be done before curfew," she tells me and leaves me behind.

Filch is laughing and follows her. I watch them both leave the hall before I start, not giving either of them the pleasure seeing me clean.

I am about to start when my name is said behind me. With a deep sigh I turn back. "Are you going to lecture me while I clean?" I sneer.

He looks taken back with my greeting. "Draco told me what happened, I will talk with her. It is unfair to treat you like this. She could have checked your wand or she had to only acknowledge the skill level of Mr. Weasley to see that it was something of his own creation."

"You believe that I didn't do it?" I raise my brow.

"Yes, I do," he replies simply. "I am going to talk to her, but you have to do the detention tonight," he walks out of the Great Hall and I wave the doors closed behind him.

She never mentioned that I had to keep the doors open while cleaning. I start with the Slytherin side of the hall, which is clearly more clean, while there is mud on the ground there is little to no food. At least we know how to eat like civil people. The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff are also not really bad, but the Gryffindors are awful. It appears that Ron has a lot of people on his side and they clearly don't like me.

I need to keep refreshing my water every few meters around that table, the mud is smeared everywhere and food is thrown on the ground, stepped on and spread all around. They must have started throwing food on the floor the second they figured out I had to clean the Great Hall. Filch is not going to be happy when he figures out that their dirty shoes leave footprints all over the castle, all leading to the Gryffindor tower.

I finish up and set out to find McGonagall, luckily she is already on her way to the Great Hall.

"I'm done," I tell her and want to hand over the mop and empty bucket, but she refuses.

"Not until I think it is clean enough." She walks past me and I follow her. "Sending your Father to me to plead is not how things work in the real world," she tells me.

"I didn't send him to you, but I guess you won't believe that either," I counter, knowing she can give me extra detention for talking back to a Professor, but like I said, I am done.

She turns around, just before reaching the hall. "I don't know what happened to you, but you changed too much. Being a Slytherin doesn't suit you," her voice is cold and flat.

"I thought courage was a part of being a Gryffindor, but when students do nothing when one of their house mates is being assaulted I think Gryffindor doesn't suit them," I respond harshly and walk past her in the hall, dropping the bucket and mop at her feet. "Everything is clean and just so you know, the Gryffindors have never heard of manners, since they made the biggest mess, maybe teach them some," I walk out, ready to get to the Common Room and away from the hypocritical people.

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