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When I wake up the next morning, I am greeted with sunlight in the room, and when I stretch I don't feel any pain in my body.

I get out and look out over the garden, the albino peacocks are strutting around on the grounds. After a quick shower I am kneeling in front of my trunk, what should I wear? I don't have much clothes with me, they said we would be training, but I don't expect them to wear muggle workout gear. Draco is watching me from his bed. Oh sod it.

I pull out a pair of black leggings and pair them with a sports bra and over that I wear a loose sweater. After pulling on the clothes I pull my hair in a high ponytail andslip in my running shoes.

"Are you going to wear that?" he asks and raises his eyebrow.

"I don't have anything else to wear. We are training right?"

"Yes, but that is tight and I don't know if they will like it."

"What should I wear? A short dress? It is not like I packed with this in mind," I snap.

I look around the room and the cloak of Voldemort, the Dark Lord, catches my eye. The fabric is soft, Acromantula silk by the feel of it. It just slips through my fingers, he must use a heating spell to keep warm, because it is so thin.

I lay it over my arm and leave the room. I can't keep this, it will be a good sign if I return it. Showing him I am docile and willing.

Draco remains quiet as I walk out. While I am walking down the stairs, it dawns on me that I don't actually know where I need to go. I'm guessing the dining room, that is where Draco and I had our breakfast. I roll my shoulders back, lift my chin slightly and walk straight towards the room. Both doors are open and I slow down as I walk in. Lucius and Narcissa's eyes meet mine first, both shocked to see me walk inside. They are sitting across from each other, towards the end of the table, but two chairs on either side still keep a distance between them and Voldemort. The Dark Lord, you can't slip up. I nod as a greeting as I turn my eyes towards the Dark Lord. He is watching me amused.

"I am sorry, I had to guess where to go," I try to explain.

A weird smile tugs at his lips. "Don't worry, come sit with me," and he gestures to a chair on the end of the length of the table, on his left. Only one empty chair is separating Lucius and me. And he doesn't look too pleased with it.

I walk over and with my head bowed I offer him the robe back, he is already wearing a new one.

"What do I need that for?" the Dark Lord asks.

Think how they think. Put yourself in their shoes.

"You should take it back, my Lord. I am not worthy of such a gift," I tell him softly.

He makes a dismissive hand gesture. "You are right, but keep it. When you think you are worthy, you can wear it."

"I will never be worthy of it, my Lord," I say with my eyes downcast on the robe in my hands.

"Then make sure you will become worthy," he hisses.

I look him straight in the eyes, the slitted eyes stare into mine. A shiver wants to run down my back, but I hold it in.

"Sit. Eat," he demands and looks back to his own plate.

I sit down and a pop to my left signals that an elf has come. "What would the Mudblood like to have?" a high pitched voice asks.

I ignore the way he addressed me. Before I look down at the elf I look around the table at what everyone is eating. They all have different things. Narcissa has a bowl of fruit, Lucius eggs and toast and the Dark Lord a bowl of porridge. Who would have thought that! I thought he ate snakes for breakfast.

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