The Whole Truth

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"Finite," I try as I glare at myself in the mirror, wand pointed at my eyes. Nothing happens, I expected that, but it was worth giving it a shot.

"Manifesto," I try, remembering older spells. "Ostendo," I wait. "Retego," again nothing happens. "Discoperiet"

I let out a frustrated growl at my reflection as I keep staring at the dark brown eyes, but I know there is a spell on them, I can feel the weight of it. I only have one more spell left to try and lift it, but I need to hurry otherwise I will be late for potions class. Draco was worried when I told him I wasn't hungry and needed to do something before class. Now I am hiding in the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, but she is quietly watching me, which is unusual for her.

I swirl my wand and say the spell at the same time, almost poking myself in the eye. "Privo."

I stomp my foot in frustration as again nothing happens, I can feel the soft wave of magic flowing over me and the only thing that changed after the first spell was my hair. I asked Severus to give me back my curly brown hair, I felt like it was too much change for one day. The curls have stretched to waves, now coming halfway down my back.

"It looks really pretty," Myrtle comments in her high pitched voice.

I look at her via the mirror and give her a little smile. "Do you think I should keep it like this?"

"I do, it is shiny and looks soft, the curls are very..." she thinks about her next word. "Fluffy."

I shrug and can't deny it even though it was better than before. One morning Pansy barged into the room, slammed down two bottles and demanded that I wash my hair with only that and let the conditioner sit for at least five minutes before rinsing it out.

"And for the love of Salazar, don't rub your hair together to dry it with a towel."

After that she taught me a spell to dry my hair without making it frizzy, so my curly hair has been looking better than before.

"Thank you," I tell Myrtle again and turn away from the mirror, facing her before hurrying to the Potions classroom.

I'm already late, but wearing ankle boots with heels is still quite new to me. Daphne has been lending me shoes almost every day since becoming a Slytherin. Every morning I hear a knock at the door and when I open it, there is a pair of shoes waiting for me. Every evening I do the same to her, placing the shoes in front of her door and knocking, before quickly walking back to the dorm I share with Draco, Blaise and Theo.

Not one Slytherin has mentioned the sleeping arrangement, but they all know. They don't whine that it is unfair or shouldn't be allowed. Maybe it is because I am sharing it with a Malfoy, Nott and Zambini and they are all viewed in high regard. Or maybe it is that they know about the upcoming war, since most of them are Pureblood and their parents know more about the true situation.

I still have nightmares, but Draco wakes me before they get too intense. He rubs my back, pulls me close to him and makes sure I feel as safe as possible. His nose pressed into my hair, as he whispers sweet affirmations.

I swing open the door to the Potions class without thinking, too lost in my thoughts. Everyone looks back in shock as the door slams against the stone wall.

"Sit down," Severus snaps, as I interrupted his opening lecture.

"Sorry, Father," slips out but I don't even notice it.

I'm still angry because of yesterday, the way he dismissed me, treating me like I'm a child. He probably already knows I went to see Sirius, Dumbledore tells him everything.

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