Tensions are Rising

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"Did you get dressed up?" I ask, looking over his clothes. He is wearing his nice robes, the thick dark green velvet ones, with a crisp white shirt underneath it.

"Of course, I'm joining the resistance. I need to look like the hot spy I am going to be."

I squint at him. "Do you want to show off that you have money?" I ask puzzled.

"You told me the redheads would be there, I need to show them how a Pureblood should look like," he shrugs, smirking.

"You know that that is the exact thing we are going to be against, right? And Sirius is still a Black, making him a very rich Pureblood.... Nooo, Blaise no. You did this for him. You dressed up for him."

He snorts. "Took you long enough. I just need to see him with my own eyes and feel him out."

"That is Harry's Godfather. Do you really want to have sex with both of them?"

"First of all, I haven't shagged Harry... yet," he smirks. "But after all you told me about big dick Sirius Black, I can't stop thinking about all the possibilities."

"Really, you haven't shagged Harry yet?" I'm surprised with the way they talk to each other.

"We did everything else, but shagging takes it to a whole other level."

"So I'm on a whole other level," I tease, bumping into his shoulder.

"Peaches, you are in your own league. Nobody is worthy of you."

We chuckle softly as we make our way to the office of Dumbledore. He holds my hand as we wait for the gargoyle to turn and reveal the staircase.

"I've never been inside," Blaise notes.

"You'll be fine, I'm not leaving your side," I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

Albus and my Father are waiting for us, their conversation falls silent when we step inside the office. My irritation spikes the second Albus looks at me, I feel a pressure at my temple.

"Can you stop," I scoff at him. "You can keep trying but you are not breaking through and you are giving me a headache, which gives me horrible patience."

"Hermione, watch your tone," Father scolds.

I don't respond, just glare at Albus until the pushing on my mind stops. Blaise remains silent, still holding my hand and waiting for what my next step is. "Only you can tell him the location," I note.

"You two can go to Grimmauld Place 12, house of Sirius Black. We will follow you shortly," he shares and motions to the fireplace.

I wait, until Father nods and assures me that it will be fine. Blaise holds my hand as we both step into the green flames and are sucked up. My body twists and turns before we land once. I step out and nobody is waiting for us in the smaller room. He lets go of my hand and follows me towards the kitchen.

"Kitten!" Sirius sounds excited, until he sees Blaise behind me, he takes him in, eyes going up and down multiple times. "What's going on?"

"It's fine, he is joining the Order. Albus is on his way, along with my Father," I tell him, feeling very protective.

He looks between us for a moment, but he takes a few big strides and wraps me up in his arms. Remus is next, almost pulling me out of Sirius' arms.

"It's so good to see you like this," he murmurs in my ear.

I step back, desperate for some air, the scent of an alpha is still very strong, and I want to figure out who is in the kitchen, staring at us. "Like I said, he is joining, everything is discussed. We are only here for the vow and I need to update mine," I smirk as my eyes fall on Molly. "Lovely to see you all."

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