Burn, Burrow, Burn

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It is late in the evening when I get summoned. I dress myself in a long cloak, black skinny jeans, and matching long sleeve shirt, along with some flat ankle boots. This time I watch myself in the mirror when I place the new mask on my face. I am surprised as I watch the simple black mask change into gray with lighter swirls, reminding me of my magic instead of the vines of my wand. With a simple spell I pull my hair back into a braid and place the hood over it, sticking it down so it won't fall off.

It takes me minutes to dress and apparate to Malfoy Manor. I land in the foyer and walk towards the dining room, bow for the Dark Lord and take my seat.

"How are you?" he asks. "You look great."

"Thank you, my Lord. I'm doing good and you?" I ask, smiling softly.


He looks around the room and I follow. I notice I am the only one of the younglings and my father is not present. Bellatrix and the foul werewolf are here though, along with Nott Senior, Goyle Senior, Crabb Senior.

"I have a small mission for you, I got information that a meeting from the Order of the Phoenix is being held in the house of the Weasleys. Even though they are Pureblood they don't care about the values we hold and therefore don't deserve any protection. I demand that you lure them out, try to catch Harry Potter and destroy the house. Meet me back here. Dismissed."

We all agree and accept the mission. He grabs my hand, before I can walk away and he pulls me towards him. His lips touch mine and he kisses me, licking the seam of my lips and I can only open up for him. Everytime he touches me, I can feel his magic brush against mine. The kiss is not unpleasant, but In my mind he is still an old man without a nose.

Bellatrix coughs and that makes him pull away. "Make me proud," he smirks and pecks me on the lips one last time.

"I will," I murmur and walk out of the room, waiting along the others in the foyer.

I check my outfit and add a protective charm over my clothing, making it almost like a shield. Fenrir is sniffing me and I glare at him. "What is your problem, dog," I sneer.

"You smell," he chuckles.

Everyone is paying attention to our conversation even if they try to look at something else.

"And you smell like you just jumped out of a dumpster, you are not one to talk," I snarl.

"You misunderstood me," he sounds so innocent, but I know he is not. "I can smell the blood between your legs."

This earns him a slap across his cheek. "Don't you dare to speak to me like that," I hiss, watching as my handprint becomes visible on his cheek. "I am engaged to our Dark Lord and I out rank you, you filthy dog."

I turn as I hear a deep chuckle from the dining room. "Precious. I like it when she is mean," the Dark Lord smirks and turns towards Fenrir. "Leave and fulfill the mission."

I am the first one to apparate away, already knowing where I can land in the tall grass without being seen. The moment I touch the ground I shift. As a wolf I can see so much more and less risk of being found. Since training a lot I can shift in seconds and keep my clothes on.

I move forward through the dry grass. The front door of the Burrow opens.

"It was delicious, Molly," Tonks compliments, standing next to Remus.

"Are you sure you won't stay?" the sweet voice of Molly carries over to me, giving me a flashback of her slapping me.

"No, we should go, the first night of the cycle is always the hardest," she answers quickly.

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