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I apparate back home, landing in the living room. Father looks up, his brow raised as he looks over me.

"There is a twig in your hair," he notes and continues reading his book.

I feel over my hair and pull out the twig, with leaves and all. "Sorry about that," I mumble as my cheeks heat.

"It was the ritual, it created the need to consummate it," his lips flatten and he doesn't look me straight in the eye.

I cough, embarrassment flooding through me. "Oh okay, well, that... yes. I'm going to bed," I tell him as I grab the book about the Black family magic. "Goodnight."

"Night," he responds, not looking up again, but his cheeks are slightly red.

I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror, my eyes are wide and red. It is clear that I have been crying and having sex. "What a day," I sigh and turn on the shower, stripping and waiting for the water to turn warm.

The shower is great and helps me relax. Achilles is waiting for me on the bed, I pet his head and lay down as he nestles against my hip. Father is moving around, probably going to bed. I'm trying to fall asleep, but I can't, my mind is thinking about the day and stressing about tomorrow.

After an hour of twisting and turning, Achilles snaps at my fingers and I let him out of the window. I decide to go to the kitchen and grab a cup of tea, I add a spell to my feet so Father won't hear me walking around. It appears to be useless as I round the corner of the kitchen and he is sitting at the table, a cup of steaming tea between his hands. His hair is messy and he is wearing a soft long sleeved shirt and matching trousers.

"Can't sleep?" he asks.

"No, you too?" I ask sheeply as I prepare my own tea.

"Of course not."

We remain silent as we sip our cups, not even distracting ourselves with reading, both deep in our own thoughts.

He sighs deeply and looks up. "You really are sure right? I can get you out, I don't care what it will cost."

I swipe my fingers over the table in front of him, noticing it is more dark. When I hold up my fingers I see the ash on them. "The Order responded?" I ask.

"Yes," his answer clipped.

"They won't help me?" I guess.

"They had a meeting about it, but more people voted to not help you. I wasn't even invited to the meeting," he sneers, scowling at the table where he burned the letter.

"I'm not surprised, I am more valuable like this. Do you still get information from them?"


I can see how frustrated he is and that he wants to help me, but can't. "You need to trust me, I can do this," we stare at each other. "But I need your help. I was thinking about it and the Dark Lord won't create a very strong bond with me, but still a bond and the war is coming. I don't know what the future will hold for us, but I need to be prepared. I read about a spell in the book from the Black family. It suppresses your humanity. I tried it myself, but it didn't work. I need to accept what is going to happen and I need to become a true Death Eater. Please, help me, I will not be able to do all the torture and things that I will need to do."

He frowns, clearly not approving of my request. As I watch I see a mask appear, his emotions hidden. "It will change you forever, you will remember everything that you will do. At that moment you will not feel regret or hurt you will cause, but once you turn it back on, it will overwhelm you."

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