An Evening Of Firsts

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A/N: I get a lot of comments on this chapter and I kinda get it, but since I am the writer and I know what is happening in the future ;) trust me when I say that they need these moments. It will be a very dark story. But I also listen and in the near future I might edit this chapter slightly to make it better for you, since so many people are commenting about the same thing. Yes they are underage, but it is consensual. They are in a time where they don't have a lot of control over their lives and having to behave older than they are. 

We walk back to the tower, the atmosphere has changed completely. The portrait flings open before we can say the password. We are greeted with cheering and they pull Harry up in the air. He is still holding the egg and people encourage him to open it, Dumbledore said that the clue for the next task is hidden within it.

He is smiling widely and hypes everyone up before he opens up the egg. The moment he does, a screeching sound fills the common room. He falls to the ground because everyone is covering their ears to block out the sound, it only stops when he closes the egg again. Everyone straightens up again.

"What the bloody hell was that?" snarls Ron from the portrait hole.

"Apparently the clue is not as easily found as opening an egg," Harry shrugs.

Ron walks up to Harry and sticks out his hand. I watch from a distance as Harry takes it after a moment of hesitation, which everyone notices. Together they walk to a corner and talk for minutes. Ron is talking, using his hands a lot to explain. I have no idea what there is to explain, but I see Harry relax more and more, so whatever Ron is telling him must be working. Harry is smiling when they walk back towards me.

"It was all just a big misunderstanding," Harry announces happily.

"Oh was it?" I ask skeptically, eying Ron.

"Yes it was," Ron responds. "Harry would never put his name in it."

I suppress the urge to roll my eyes. Luckily Seamus interrupts us, throwing his arms around Harry and Ron. "Come on, we need to celebrate!"

I turn around and notice that everyone is holding cups of alcohol. When did that happen? We get cups pushed into our hands. I smell the sweet scent of the Butterbeer. We are joined by Neville, Ginny, Fred and George. After a few drinks and talking about the tournament we move onto the couches in front of the fire.

"Let's play a game of Truth or Dare," Seamus laughs.

The three Butterbeers are having an amazing effect on my mood, I feel light and relaxed, and the idea of the game is great.

"Yeah! Let's play!" I laugh.

We all raise our cups and cheer.

I am sitting sandwiched between Fred and George, their arms around my shoulders. It is so warm and cozy. What is a better way to spend an evening, I want to do this everyday, drinking with friends and talking.

"Harry, truth or dare?" Seamus starts.

"Truth!" he shouts excited.

"Were you scared of the dragon?" Seamus asks.

"Of course! Hermione helped me a lot!"

I snort. "Anything for you," I giggle and raise my cup before taking a sip.

"Hermione, truth or dare?" Harry asks.


"How many books did you read for the First Task?" he asks.

What a boring question. "I don't know, a lot. Almost everything about dragons, I am an expert by now."

"Fred, truth or dare?" I ask and look up.

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