Golden Eyes

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The weeks fly by, I am swamped with homework and preparing for each class. I love to be able to study on N.E.W.T.S level, it is definitely more difficult than last year. Blaise and I spend almost all our free time after classes in the Room of Requirement. We still spend time in the library with the others, but late in the evening or night we meet in the Room of Requirement. It transfigures itself to our own created room, we read books, help each other with Occlumency and Legilimency.

Some evenings I spend with my Father, he uses Veritaserum on me and I am learning to block it. We are increasing the doses each time and it is rare that I let a secret slip. It did create a lot of awkward moments in the beginning. I was an open book for him, even a drop made me spill a truth. I can hold up to over a teaspoon, without spilling a secret or even feel the urge. I am already over the Ministry limit for interrogation, but someone like the Dark Lord would never hold to that standard. That is why I am pushing myself. Each time I take a higher dose it is awful, I sweat, have to bite my tongue until it bleeds and focus on a lot of other memories until the effects start to fade away after half an hour.

Each time after that it gets easier until I can keep a straight face two nights in a row and we know we can increase the dose again. Father is very patient, repeating questions and helping me to focus on something else.

It is the week before Christmas break and the Professors are not even slowing down with the homework. Father already told me that I am expected to stay at Malfoy Manor during the whole break. The good news is that the whole pact is also staying. I did my shopping for their presents in secret, just short trips to Hogsmeade using the secret tunnels and I can't wait to give them.

I am scanning the books in front of me, I need a potion book for my essay, but I can't find it on the shelf.

"Hermione!" Blaise walks over, pulling me into a quick hug.

"Hi," I breathe. "Everything alright?"

"Can we go to the Room?" He is looking around and I know it is because he wants to share something that can't be said anywhere else.

We quickly make our way over there. I wasn't really hungry so I didn't go to dinner, deciding that studying would be more productive and I could always go to the kitchens if I wanted something later on. Everyone is still at the Great Hall, making it easy to sneak into the Room of Requirement.

Blaise busts through the doors and into our room. He turns around and faces me while holding up a letter. "My Mother... is getting married to Theo's Father."

"What? How?" I am shocked.

"They have been courting for a long time, but I didn't think he would propose. People think she is cursed and all her husbands die. Courting was fine, nobody died, but this is a whole other level. Theo will become my brother. I don't mind that, but it is weird."

It is clear that he is upset, I have never seen him like that. "If they have been courting this is a natural second step," I try.

He glares. "That man will never be a Father figure for me, not even human in my eyes," he growls.

"I think I am missing some information," I tell him, not understanding his hatred for that man.

He is pacing, clenching his fists and releasing them. "That man, no, that monster is the reason why I am a Death Eater. He forces Theo to join and I couldn't leave Theo on his own. Draco was already doomed, Pansy's father is an asshole and the Greengrasses are only looking to marry off their daughters to rich Purebloods. Without that man, the world would be a better world, only if I could," he is trembling with anger.

"Blaise," I whisper, laying my hand on his shoulder. He turns to me and his eyes are golden. "Do you want to go outside?" I ask.

He only nods. I cast the disillusionment spells on us as we walk out of the room and straight to the woods, using one of the secret tunnels. The moment he steps out into the forest he shifts. The leopard looks back, waiting for me to shift. I stretch, making a little show of transforming and hit the ground on four paws. He immediately submits to me, laying down and waiting for me to touch his head in acceptance. I inhale his deep scent and mark his head with a lick, releasing him from his spot on the ground.

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