Christmas Break

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"Hermione, are you ready?" Pansy asks.

I am sitting on the edge of my bed, my trunk is packed but I can't find the motivation to go downstairs and walk to the Hogwarts Express. Draco is already home, still not awake and it is making me and the pact very restless.

"Yeah," I answer and stand up, facing her. She is pale and twitching with her hands. "Can I help you with something?" I ask and raise my brow.

"I want my humanity gone, just like you and Blaise, but not yet. Can you promise me that you will take it away before the war really starts?"

"Why not now?" I question her.

"I'm not ready," she admits and she walks closer, grabbing my hands. "I know that Draco loves only you and the same goes for you, but I am going to be his wife. I need to ask you to leave him alone, to give us a honest chance."

"Okay, consider it done," I tell her and I understand it. We don't have a lot of control over our lives and this will give her a feeling of more control.

"You will?" she gasps.

"Of course, he will be your husband and I have my own husband soon. No need to create more problems, I will keep my distance from him unless the Dark Lord orders otherwise or we are with the pact."

She hugs me and smiles. "Thank you, if you ever need help, just ask."

We break apart and I shrink my trunk, slipping it in my pocket. "Let's go," I smile.

The remaining pact is waiting for us in the Common Room and we walk towards the Hogsmeade. We are just out of the big school doors before I hear my name being called.

"Go ahead," I tell the others as I turn towards Harry.

He is alone and looking over my shoulder to the others as they do as I ask. "How is he?"

"Still unconscious," I tell him coldly. It is time for him to understand that his actions have consequenses and not everything will be solved by an adult if he fucks up. "You could have killed him."

"I didn't mean to do that," he defends and looks at his feet.

"I know, but magic is not all fun and games," I hiss. My eyes are still golden, It is easier to not conceal them anymore even if people stare at me. "What did you do with the book?"

"Ginny helped hide it from me and I am buying another book this Christmas break."

I glance around us, and summon the book from my beaded bag. "Here," I give it to him.

"Why?" He asks and looks through the book, seeing my notes in the marges.

I roll my eyes. "You would look stupid if you are unable to brew potions after a break."

He frowns and keeps looking at the books as he mumbles a thanks. When he looks up he stares in my eyes. "Were they always that color?" he asks.

"Nope, sometimes they just... transfigure," I wink before walking away and catching up with the pact. If he is smart he will understand, if at any moment Sirius will be angry during Christmas his eyes will shift to a similar color and maybe Harry will figure it out. If he doesn't figure it out, then it is clear he didn't get his, our, mother's brain.

"What did he want?" Theo asks.

"The usual, asking if we would stop being Death Eaters and stop taking over the world," I shrug.

"What?" Theo grabs my arm in shock.

I pull his fingers away and smirk. "Just joking, Nott. Wanted to know about Draco."

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