Slytherin's Revenge

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My boring brown eyes are staring back at me. It has been almost a week since I found out who my mother is and I saw myself with green eyes. Before I left that night he changed my eyes back, I was sad to see the color drown out, but it had to be done. I didn't tell anyone and I have expanded my mental walls and each day I compartmentalize my memories.

I'm training less with Severus on school days, I need to focus on my upcoming exams and it became too much. On the weekend we spend more time together and when I am not in class I call him Father, it feels natural. I can feel our bond grow each day.

Draco, Theo and Blaise are waiting in the dorm room. Together we all walk to the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco and I walk in the middle, Theo is on my side and Blaise on Draco's side. Pansy and Daphne are already sitting in their usual spots, and further up the table are Crabe and Goyle. Not to be mean, but they are really stupid, they try to keep up with our conversations, but to no avail.

"Have you seen the Pygmy Puff trying to insult Professor McGonnagall?" I ask, referencing yesterday afternoon.

Pansy slaps her hand on the table. "If anyone repeats this I will put snakes in your bed," she playfully threatens. "McGonagall was amazing, the Toad got even more bloated."

We all laugh, that Pygmy Puff can't call herself a Professor, she doesn't teach. It is like she just learned to read and is showing off her skill by reading the book to us, as if we are incapable of doing that ourselfs. I would go mad if I couldn't expand my power and train. I'm guessing her being here has more ulterior motives than she leads on.

Breakfast is normal, we talk about the coming day and all the homework. We always make sure we are all prepared, after dinner we head to the library to do homework and research the things we need to know. In the Common Room we just relax. Sometimes the groups we study in change a bit, Draco, Theo, Crabe and Goyle are on the Quidditch team. The first match is coming up against Gryffindor, so they train a lot.

On days that there is Quidditch practice I stick with Blaise, we take our homework to the pitch and protect us from the autumn weather with warming charms and a bubble around us. I do get more distracted on those days, the way Draco handles a broom is intense. The way his muscles tense and move underneath his sweat soaked jersey as he flies around. After practice I am all too happy to help him get clean, the way he presses me up against the tiles of the shower as he thrusts his cock inside of me. I love the way he folds his hand over my mouth as I come for him and he stares into my eyes as he lets go of his own release.

The Astronomy Tower is still one of my favourites, the view of the Black lake as I am on all fours while he fucks me from behind, pulling my hair and making my back arch. The fresh air caressing my soft and sensitive skin, it just adds another element to already amazing sex.

We always try to minimize the sex in the dorm when the others are around. It is always a guess on how long we have before they return and the few times I woke up at night with Draco's cock nudging my entrance, we put heavy spells on the curtains in the hope they would not notice. They still tease me over the one time my magic got out of control while I came and instead of silencing the bed it turned into a Sonorous and they could hear me moan five dorms down.

"Ready for Potions?" Draco asks as I pull my bookbag on my shoulder.

"Why wouldn't I be? I have the best partner and we are now both top in the class," I tease. It is an extra bonus that I am not the second best in the class anymore but tied with Draco for the best grade.

"Today is the individual assignment, are you ready to be beaten?" he teases.

"Same goes for you," I shoot back. "I did study a lot and Severus has been helping me, you know." He hasn't, but Draco doesn't know that. I am still working on Occlumency and Legilimency.

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