Scheming and Plotting

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"Hello, Father," I greet him the second he opens his door and steps inside.

"Hermione!" he growls. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, of course," I tell him as I stand up from the couch and face him.

"Why?" he is glaring.

"Dumbledore is ignoring me, but I need to talk to him and you are taking me to him."

He raises one eyebrow and stares at me. "Why?"

I scoff while rolling my eyes. "Since when do I need a reason? I have information that is useful for him and he will answer some of my questions."

"You can tell me the information you have as well as the questions and I will tell you his answer."

"Cut the bullshit," I snap. "Why doesn't he want to see me?"

He is towering over me, looking down with annoyance. "It's too dangerous and I remember you promising me not to get yourself in danger."

I puff out my chest and stand taller, still not near his height. "I'm part of the Order, I protected myself on the map, no one will know I am at his office. It is important. I haven't asked to see him since becoming a member. This is important," I stress and I can see his eyes soften.

He nods, stepping away. "Fine."

While we are walking to the office I am checking my Occlumency and making sure that every bond is closed and far away from reach. I don't care how strong Dumbledore is, he has never seen a seventeen year old girl named Hermione who is angry beyond reason. Lucky for him, I am a Slytherin and I never let my emotions get in the way of my end goal.

My ears start to buzz and I look around confused, I can't hear anything and as sudden as it started it is gone. "You did that," I accuse my Father.

"I did," he agrees and steps inside the hidden staircase leading to the office.

I quickly follow him, staying a few steps behind him.

"Ah, Severus, I didn't expect you for over an hour," Dumbledore's voice is soft.

"I'm not alone," he announces and I reveal myself.

"Miss Snape," the soft tone is gone, replaced by a harder and colder one.

"Albus," I smirk. "You've been avoiding me."

"Yet, here you are," he counters, looking me up and down.

My smile grows as I walk forward, past my Father and gracefully sit down in the chair in front of his desk. "And we are going to have a little chat."

He leans back, lifting one hand to his lips and waiting for me to speak. My eyes follow his hand and he notices it. He frowns, but doesn't comment.

"Hermione, what did you want to tell?" Father presses me, standing behind me and laying a hand on my shoulder.

I know his technique, he will try to break through my mental walls and touching me helps. It only takes a second for my magic to slither over my body and hit him with a stinging hex. He pulls his hand back quickly, glaring once more.

"How's your hand, Albus?" I ask simply, taking the first step of many for this night.

He moves the fingers of his visible hand, but I can't see the other hand, it is hiding in the folds of his robes. "My hand is fine."

"Your other hand, which has a glamor over it during the meals. Why are you using your non-dominant hand more than before, even holding your wand with it?" I roll my eyes, while shaking my head. Does he really think that I would not find out or notice it?

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