Never Show Weakness

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My hair is grabbed near the roots by a very large hand and I can't see who it is, and I am yanked off the bed. This is bad, this is really bad. I hear him sniff at my neck, not the subtle way someone might do, no, like a dog.

"Bring her," a male voice thunders through the room.

I struggle against the hand, but it doesn't budge. I'm guessing he is a man, with the size of his hand. With his other hands he holds my throat and pulls me against him. Draco, where is Draco?! My feet can't reach the floor and I kick and scream as he walks out of the room with me.

"Get off of me! Let me go!" I scream and even try to summon my wand, but I don't know how to use wandless magic. "Draco! DRACO!"

He drags me down stairs and walks to the dinner room. I haven't stopped screaming and kicking and frustrated tears are running down my cheeks. What kind of bloody joke is this, why would his parents do this? They just could have told me to leave and I would have! His parents are bloody mad if they think that this is how you should raise children and I will give them a piece of my mind!

The moment he rounds the corner of the dinner room, I can see it is not just his parents. Oh no, no, no! I fucked up!

I can't focus on anyone's face as he throws me on the table. No scrap of decency left, didn't he notice I was not wearing any pants. Rude! And to throw me on a table. I am still a human and can sit on my bloody arse. I am on my knees and search the room for Draco, but I only find a lot of unknown faces.

I start to panic even more. What if this is not his parents doing but we are being robbed. People have broken into the Malfoy Manor! Oh god, that is not good. Not good!

Suddenly my eyes find silver grey eyes, but something is different, there are little crow feet beside the eyes. Lucius! I move on to the women next to him and see Narcissa Malfoy neé Black sneering at me, they are sitting the furthest away from me. This is really bad. What is happening? Where is Draco?

"Professor?" I shriek mortified, clutching at the fabric to keep some of my dignity and stumble back and hit something with my back.

Oh no. Really bad. Very bad. Catastrophic bad. What is Professor Snape doing here! With all these people in the middle of the bloody night. Out of nowhere everybody stands and isn't looking at me anymore. I scramble to turn around on hands and knees and do at least something.

"No," I whisper as I look up at the person in front of me.

I have never seen him but a description of him is more than enough to recognise him, by his red eyes, pale almost translucent skin and nose that bears resemblance to a snake. The only thing I think of to do is to stand upon the table and take some sort of fighting pose. Don't show your weaknesses, be strong and proud. Be a Gryffindor. I wanted to be sorted into that house, then I better bloody act like it.

Draco's shirt covers my lacy black knickers and at least my Potions Professor can't look between my legs anymore. But if they all sit down they can probably look up. This will be the last time that I wear something so revealing to bed. You never know when you are dragged in front of a group of adults and forced to stand on a table.

My eyes fall on a blond boy, the same age as mine, eyes full of fear as he gazes up at me. He is standing behind Voldemort. Somehow he got the opportunity to change his clothes, or the lack thereof. He is wearing green silk lounging pants and a grey shirt.

I'm scared to look over at Voldemort. Be a Gryffindor! And with that thought I do. I look at him and show him my most faked expression in my life, I watched Draco do it a million times. With a roll of my shoulders I straighten my back, lift my nose in the air, and sneer looking down on Voldemort. Sod it, with everyone who looks underneath this shirt. I am a Gryffindor, I am strong and brave and nobody will make me feel any less.

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